This post is partially in response to a video by Youtuber Quadro where it was argued that Enlisted is running out of content for WWII. He said that while there are plenty of maps that could/should be added, there aren’t that many more guns besides prototypes.
I disagree. There is heaps of content that should be added. Much of that is limited due to the determination of sticking with four factions and supposed necessity to get to BR V.
There has been much debate around sub trees, separate tech trees, what factions should and shouldn’t exist.
I was further inspired by reading about Rising Storm: Vietnam where players choose between USA-Allies OR Communist Vietnamese. But within that players could specifically choose to play as USA, South Vietnam, even the Australian Army. Likewise North Vietnam or Vietcong.
So today I propose that for the current factions, instead of having a single giant tech tree, we have drop downs of smaller tech trees for different nations.
The USA and Germany tech trees should be renamed Western Allies and European Axis.
Players would then have a list of countries rather than a single tech tree.
My idea would work very similar to the drop down function on this forum.
This would save trying to cram everything into a massive tech tree or having folders everywhere. It also means players can grind specific nations they’re interested in, without creating whole new factions.
Regarding squads I would suggest that instead of the obsolete ‘accurate units’ we instead have generic ‘Rifleman I’, ‘Assaulter II’ and so forth.
For Western Allies for instance youd have a generic Rifleman squad that starts off as USA but then you can choose between different uniforms for the different nations and research the nations and lines you’re interested in.
For myself I would choose Australian uniforms and then research the Commonwealth tech tree, within Western Allies faction, to get my Lee Enfield Mk III and Owen gun.
Weapons/vehicles would be added based on interest and necessity. I do NOT propose that every single nation here have a full tech tree. Indeed that’s one of the benefits. It’s OKAY if a faction cant make it to BR V or doesnt have such and such a weapon class because they all work together.
It also reduces the need for copy paste. There’s only two major factions which already exist and heaps of tech to go around.
This is a long term proposal. For example I understand we don’t have a Balkans campaign yet, but there’s no reason why we can’t have Greece/Crete/Yugoslavia maps in future, in which case tech trees for those could be added under Allies/Axis where appropriate.
What about Overlap?
I believe most nations wouldnt need overlap/copy paste since they usually had their own tech.
For those instances where tech is shared:
Firstly, all weapons are available to all squads within that faction. So British, Commonwealth and USA can all use Thompson SMGs.
Likewise if you choose French squads you can research French weapons and American tech tree for late war stuff.
I am open to debate over whether specific weapons should be ‘locked’ to certain nations within the faction. So an American couldnt be equipped with a French SMG for example.
Currently we have Brits allowed to use US weapons and vice versa, likewise Germans can have Carcanos so I would imagine keeping it like that but perhaps others disagree?
For the UK and Commonwealth trees I would propose either choosing some weapons for one and some for the other (eg. Commonwealth used the SMLE Mk III whereas UK was more commonly armed with the Mk IV) OR for SMLES and Brens for example, include them in both but unlocking them in one automatically unlocks it in the other. I’m open to suggestions on that.
See below for sort of how this would look. Players would ‘show’ or ‘hide’ the different tech trees. This helps visually, categorises weapons and makes for a better grind. If you only want to play as USA, you can just grind that tree. If youve done UK and USA, maybe you want a shorter grind of the Greco-Yugoslav tree to gain some unique weapons.
Western Allies:
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Switzerland (?)
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Regarding China:
I would happily include China as one of the drop down nations however I’m not sure where they belong.
The current premium squad in Burma is Western Allies, however I believe China could be a good addition to USSR as it adds more variety in maps, allows for the remaining two factions to fight one another, and the Soviet tree already has German and American weapons.
THESE ARE JUST EXAMPLES. I do not suggest that every single one of these be added, they’re just ideas. I know Switzerland for example was proposed by others for Japan since Switzerland was neutral and Japan did use Swiss weapons, some of which are already in the Japanese tech tree.
I would appreciate if people can comment on the idea as a whole rather than picking out specific nations you dont like. Additions on the other hand are of course welcome.
There would be no split queues because the queues will be the same. USSR, European Axis, Western Allies, and Japan.
Once again I would reiterate that some tech trees would be more substantial than others, and that’s a good thing. It means we can add tech that otherwise wouldnt be added, and there’s opportunities for shorter grinds as well as just more stuff to do if players choose.
Some trees like Germany would go to BR V, others like France and Italy might get to BR III or IV and others like Greece-Yugoslavia or Finland might only be BR I-II.