Teach me history and compassion

This is an honest request as an ego maniac (Typical American) i have been told i am under valuing Chinas contributions. Outside of their tremendous suffering what did the Chinese contribute to Allied victory. Material losses of the Japanese, equipment destroyed units defeated. This is a real question please change my mind about it. Show me China deserves to be raised among WW2 powers like US UK and the USSR.

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The suffering was not for nothing. China was mainly fighting Japanese. In my opinion, It prevented Japanese from attacking the USSR, which would be real bad since then Soviet will fight on two fronts. In turn affecting the war in Europe.
Also, kudos to you. People that try to learn and find different opinions or angles are very rare


I read it, very good article you suggested

their kung fu masters fought ninjas, otherwise US would be in deep shit.
btw real ww2 footage:


That’s nothing.

This is true way of kung fu masters.


i am certain that i saw this in japanese movie, so ninjas also use this… think it was called ballbusting :rofl:


While American bombers used Chinese air bases to strike Japanese targets, the Chinese continued to shoulder the burden of the ground war as Allied attention initially stayed focused on Europe. Now faced with a wider war, the Japanese army remained bogged down in China with between 500,000 and 600,000 troops, according to Mitter, and 38 of 51 infantry divisions stationed in the country.

That merits a position a one of the Major allied powers, they occupied space, i am not saying they did not contribute i am just saying it was less than the UK, US, USSR.

so Give
China B+
France B
and everyone else not sure

Conjecture Japan would have attacked the USSR changing the course of the war, how where would they get the manpower, let us assume they used the half Million troops in China and what without an adequate armored force get slaughtered.

Most of it, thankfully short is about the suffering of the Chinese people… ok. My point remains the same if we measure contribution by suffer UK and US would barley be in the top ten a minor WW2 power.

So i will it is not US, UK, USSR major powers and everyone equally as low as a minor power. Think of it like a movie you have the leads US, USSR, UK side character’s China, France, Finland, Poland and finally background character’s too many to list.

I do apologize for using the term minor power it implied only two levels minor and major. Maybe i should have added moderate power to imply there were at least three levels. China was not a major nor minor power but a moderate one.

That’s very generous of you. I can’t think of anything significant that France did during World War II.
It was just one failure after another.

Of course, I’m talking about the state, army and government, not the nation. The French nation had a very brave resistance and partisans.


In fact, the 35,000 men who finally surrendered after covering the final evacuations were mostly French soldiers of the 2nd Light Mechanized and the 68th Infantry Divisions . Their resistance allowed the evacuation effort to be extended to 4 June, on which date another 26,175 Frenchmen were transported to England.

Which at least as much saved the UK as China saved the USSR.

Dunkirk which preserved the only real fighting force that could have resisted an invasion of the UK by Germany.


France army did a lot in 40, the problem was their leader as for Italy the situation was this for both, the army was top notch but theirs officer and leader was like living on another planet


That’s why their failure is so much fascinating, but they had outdated doctrine.
Blaming only their leaders is extremely simplistic.

Its the same answer as to why Romel did so well in Africa a lack of aggression the massive casualties in WW1 shook both France and the UK. In both Africa and France they wanted to stay of the defense to avoid losses. In case of France the built the Line, in case of Africa they fell into simple traps and refused to eliminate Rommel when they could have instead staying on the defense.

Also you know the global depression countries like France and UK lacked the manpower the money and the will to fight unless forced to,

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20 Million Chinese died, to claim they had no influence on Japan ultimately loosing is pure ignorance.


Soviet Union (20 to 27 million),
China (15 to 20 million)
[Poland](5.9 to 6 million), Dutch East Indies/[Indonesia]indonesia-population) (3 to 4 million),
[India]( (2.2 to 3 million),
Yugoslavia (1 to 1.7 million)
[Cambodia[Vietnam] (1 to 2.2 million),
France (600,000).

20 Million Chinese died, to claim they had no influence on Japan ultimately loosing is pure ignorance.

Please point to where i said they had no influence of Japan defeat please i would like to see it

I said they were a minor redacted to moderate power in WW2

I am saying there contribution to the defeat of Italy, Germany, Japan was not negligible simple less than the contribution of US, UK, USSR

many Chinese died, many USSR citizens died but unless they placed a death curse on the Japanese soldiers that did not help the allies win the war.

Japans soldiers were not killbots with a built-in kill limit

Let me a Chinese, answer this question.

The total war between China and Japan began in 1937, and the official entry of the United States into the war took place in 1941, during which time China was the only political force in all of Asia that resisted Japanese expansion. Although the national government army was extremely backward (soldiers could hardly even secure food) and had very poor technical and tactical skills. However, it was still able to drag the majority of Japanese ground forces to the Chinese battlefield.

Fortunately, China was a large enough country that the size of the Japanese forces was very small compared to it. It was almost impossible for them to completely occupy all the territory. So they were extremely dependent on local Chinese collaborators, who were mostly surrendered Nationalist forces. And the will to fight of these men was even weaker than when they served on the Chinese side, which made guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines possible.

At the same time, due to China’s backwardness (as an agricultural country), most of its resources were not effectively exploited and factories were scarce. Japan struggled to benefit from its newly occupied vast territories and instead had to pay a high price to maintain its control. This was much like the state of the US military in Afghanistan, and Japan was nowhere near as rich as the US. In fact, the perennial wars greatly damaged Japan’s economy, and the war in China became purely a losing proposition.

The Japanese government at this time was also interested in approaching the Chinese national government to discuss an armistice, however a radical revolt in the Japanese military ended this possibility. Japan was completely drawn into the quagmire of war. The U.S. gradually increased its material embargo and economic sanctions against Japan in the 1940s, Japan had no stable access to war resources as it had in the past, and its domestic economy was facing an unprecedented crisis. (Yes, that is to say that until then Japan’s war machine had been supported by resources from the US, and for that reason the Chinese considered the US to be to a large extent equally the aggressor)

For this reason, they chose to end the previously fragile peace with the European and American colonizers controlling Southeast Asia to gain access to Southeast Asia’s strategic resources such as oil and rubber. (The possibility of Japan moving north to Siberia ended with the border war with the Soviet Union)

That’s what started Pearl Harbor.

Looking back at the whole history, we can see that China’s greatest significance in this was that it always maintained its resistance. Even though the frontal battlefield was fought extremely poorly, and the guerrilla warfare behind the enemy lines was unable to give serious killings to the Japanese army. But the significance is that it dragged an equally poor militaristic country like Japan into a quagmire from which it could never withdraw. Similarly, we can imagine that if the Chinese government had chosen to surrender and the vast territory of China had been completely colonized by Japan, Japan would not have been able to bear such a high war cost in the ordinary reality of history, which would have triggered the subsequent economic crisis and war with the United States.

Resistance itself is the greatest meaning.


It’s also important to note when/how China was involved.

Japan was working over China long before the US got attacked at Pearl Harbor. (And conversely, the US was nominally involved in defending China before that point as well - google : “Flying Tigers China WWII”)

See also: Second Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia

Sadly, a huge swath of Chinese deaths came at the hands of Japanese war crimes, such as the “Ra** of Nanking” (or Nanjing) (google that one as well). But, the Japanese were fighting in Manchuria as early as 1928 and siezed it in 1931.

Empire of Japan - Manchurian Incident, WW2, Expansion | Britannica - interesting article - I didn’t realize just how much chaos and usurpation of power was happening in Japan in the lead-up to WWII. It was almost Rome-like at the end of the Roman Republic (where Generals were basically seizing power left and right).

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In fact, the Flying Tigers entered the war relatively late(1941-1942). Prior to that, it was the Soviet Volunteer Air Corps that had been active over China(1937-1941), fighting until Germany invaded the Soviet Union, after which they returned home to fight


What is very sad is that China would look particularly tragic if you compare the soldier/civilian ratio in the number of death. China had only three million troops out of over twenty million casualties, while the Soviet Union had seven million troops lost. This is partly due to China’s low troop recruitment and organization at the time, and partly because the tragedy of the Chinese battlefield was not on the front lines, but in the extreme brutality of the Japanese over the occupied territories, where tens of thousands of villages were completely wiped off the map (the same happened to the Korean Peninsula). This was even more so than the German fascist atrocities against the Slavs.


You only need to know that the achievements and land of the Kuomintang, except for a few small islands, were stolen by the Communists
Then the United States responded to the Kuomintang’s years of funding needs to make up for their missed counterattack opportunities.