Tanks are icky

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Tanks cured my cancer and gave me eternal life.

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nice :slight_smile:

Clearly a photoshopped picture, 'cos we all know tanks always sit in the grey zone where they are invulnerable.

< /sarcasm>


螢幕擷取畫面 2024-08-09 171403
螢幕擷取畫面 2024-08-09 171420

I just think it’s funny that everyone’s win percentage for the Americans is lowest (well, except for Wieloglow which is a virtual tie with less than a tenth of a percent difference).

Because before I started learning to let go of those parasites
I spent the longest time fighting in the U.S. military
When I started increasing my desertion behavior, my winning rate started to increase.
to be honest
Other winning rates can actually be as high as Japan’s
If only I were a deserter more often

Well, I don’t have a win-rate over 61%. :wink: But then again, I can probably count the times I’ve deserted on two hands.

Course, I’d desert 100 times in a row if I knew I’d lose rank all the way to private after the new battle pass starts.

Maybe some day Darkflow would add a “deserted games” stat percentage underneath each nation’s win percentage for each player.


speak for yourself


maybe this way people can stop calling me an “ally main”
Screenshot (7551)
really ironic that i play more jap than allie huh? does that mean im a jap main? yea take that

like i said im a multi faction guy

well i got lowest percentage with germans, so…

By that time I will be proud to tell everyone
How many casual players and junk map modes have I given up on

Dude did 2 kills in Jap tanks and said never again.

Or is it simply F2P POV when you like planes more

Truly, I do hope they change it so that you can get preferred maps. They’ve said that’s on their roadmap, so hopefully, it won’t be too long.

What’s your point? You’ve played 2 matches as American. Not sure if I’ve seen a comment on this forum with less valuable content.

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love me tank and me plane

yup… that’s the joke.