Tank Shell Comparison Chart

I’d made a chart for myself with all of the different tank shells in the game, showing armor penetration values for each tanks AP shells, the explosive filler of the AP shells, reload times, as well as the TNT mass of each tanks HE shell.

Figured I’d share it as some people asked, and not everyone may have War Thunder to check these values and Enlisted doesn’t really bother to show this kinda info for players.

@84545085 @青青草原革委会主任两脚羊 @Wutentbrannt @tommyZZM you guys asked for this in an old thread, sorry it took so long.

NOTE: Tanks in Enlisted are more survivable than in War Thunder (shells are more likely to bounce off armor, and penetrating hits are less likely to kill the whole crew). Likely a design choice so that tanks feel more “tanky” in game.

You can still use the chart to compare tanks:

  • Moscow Axis: Pz IV F1 is better for anti-infantry (better HE shell + faster reload), while the Pz III J is better for anti-tank (better AP shell)
  • Normandy Axis: Panther has better armor penetration, but the Tiger has almost over 4 times the explosive filler in its AP shell and is better at one-shotting tanks

You can also at least have a better idea of where to shoot enemy tanks (e.g. comparing the penetration data to the armor values in-game, you can see the M10 can penetrate the Panthers turret face, but not its frontal hull).

DISCLAIMER: afaik Enlisted uses a really old version of War Thunders damage model, so exact penetration values may vary slightly as I’m using values from the newest version of War Thunder. However in practice it doesn’t really change much.


And there’s the problem. It uses DM from 2017 or so, when penetration was much lower/higher for some shells.

For example, shrapnel shell won’t pen pz2 frontally in current version of WT.


That’s true. Pretty sure Enlisted uses a DM from before WT got penetration slope modifiers.

updated the original post with a disclaimer so ppl know to just use the values as a rough guide.

I thought the values in enlisted were different than those in war thunder, at least some of them are supposed to be? I’m not saying that I necessarily agree with this I think there’s definitely some nerfing that’s been going on

Afik the 38(t) had an HE round irl



The two pounder however should not have an HE round, at least not in North Africa, They didn’t actually start producing HE rounds for the gun till sometime in 43 as I recall, and by then most of the two pounder equipped tanks were not in service in Europe, as far as I know the Australians did manufacture their own high explosive rounds for use in their own Matildas for bunker busting against the Japanese, but in Africa and in Europe none of them went to war with HE rounds.

In fact by the time the HE rounds were entering service basically the only vehicle still left using the two pounder in Europe was the Damiler scout car.

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Thx! :slight_smile:

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Cheers! Hadn’t known there was an HE shell for the Pz 38t.

And you’re right, none of the 2 pdrs used HE in North Africa. Most early war tanks didn’t have dedicated HE shells, and in WT they don’t have access to them. Darkflow lets early war tanks in Enlisted use HE shells from later in the war so they’re more useful in an anti-infantry role.

For example: the Grant’s 37mm uses the HE shell from the M5A1 Stuart, and the Pz III J uses the HE shell from the Pz III M. Neither of those tanks actually had access to HE shells when they were in service.

So is it historical that these tanks get HE? No. But it is a game after all, and the HE shells for those tanks are pathetic anyways so I don’t really think it breaks balance or immersion. HE in Enlisted is really nerfed as well anyways.

Many thanks bruv, i think dis amount of work needs appreciation

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Cheers mate! I appreciate it :slight_smile:

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So after all, it can’t be in Enlisted.

Welp, after checking everything, I can say that I was wrong, BUT I can also say that shrapnel shell of l10 has 34mm pen.

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This is one more than in the table