Tank round vs Plane bomb damage disparity

I am going to keep bitching about this until Dark Force actually does something about it. You neutered the AP mines because a few people bitched, ok, that’s fine. So I am going to keep bitching about tank round vs plane bombs damage disparity until DF either fixes it, or tells me to STFU. Its ridiculous.

How can I kill an entire squad inside a three story brick building shooting through a wall, or the entire damn building for that matter with “ONE” tank round, but I cannot put any size bomb through a “GRASS HUT ROOF”? In what world is this realistic, or fair for that matter? Fix it, don’t debate or discuss it, “FIX IT”. I’m sick and tired of losing entire squads to grey zone camping tanks blasting away at a building, but I can’t kill “ONE DUDE” standing under any kind of roof in this game. :thinking:

If a bomb cannot penetrate a roof, then a tank round should not be able to penetrate a wall, is not rocket science.




Usually I get riled up after I just play a game and lose multiple squads to grey zone camping tanks blasting one spot on a building and killing everyone inside repeatedly. :yum: It’s ultra frustrating when all roofs in this damn game seem to have 20 ft of reinforced concrete, while the walls are made of paper machete. I swear if the troops could come across an Umbrella, that would be enough to shield them form ariel bombs. :roll_eyes: What pisses me off is that this is the fourth of fifth time I have brought it up, and DF has yet to say a word either way.

you cant tho, you shoot through a window against a solid wall - and apply area damage into the room.

there are only a very few materials that you can “effectively” shoot through.

He shot the round through a window or a door. This game does not have any substantial environmental damage. Seriously, you would be surprised at how many angles you got from one open window alone.

I have had two squad killed on Rzhev in that church where everyone fights in the basement, standing on the outside of the basement by a tank on the other side of the building probably 100 meters away down that river road, and then had another squad killed in the basement of the same building, on the OPPOSITE side of the building of the tank. So, am not sure how it’s supposed to be, I only know how it is. This last time was Tractor plant setting bombs, and I have my squads in a brick room with no windows getting blasted by a tank on the other side of the lot. So, the window theory doesn’t wash. :smile:

Meanwhile I can make pass after pass over a grass hut in the south pacific and not record a single kill, unless the dude happens to be outside having a smoke. :rofl:

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You’ll be thinking about the “Gold Order Umbrella” from the Tunisian access-all-areas Kahlif Caves bonus squad?

AFAIK only Adamnpee got that for being an early tester :wink:

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