Tank observation devices

I need this😃

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Absolutely great development, I love it.
When on the topic of optics, please bring back the smoother and a bit slower zoom in the gunner’s optics, after the last patch it jumps so quick that the eye loses track of details and moving targets. Feels like the zoom is hitting my head against the screen.
Edit: not on all vehicles - on Allies vehicles in Tunisia, zoom is still comfortable. Seems like the rapid zoom is some kind of a bug - according to the post, changing between views was supposed to be increased, not the zooming speed in gunner’s view.


As a tank lover all I have to say is…Niiiiiice!


Perhaps related, allowing convertible vehicles to use binoculars is also in this update?


Does this mean they’ll finally fix the scopes on vehicles and add those that are much needed.

For example the commanders optic on the T-34.

Periscopes are great but when can we get the ability to use the FG-42’s bayonet?


It wasn’t really usable irl neither, it was pretty useless.

The only reason it existed was to meet predetermined requirements for this weapon.

We making out of the drivers hatch with this one.

Nice to see these details be added to the game.

Nice, this will be pretty useful.

I hope there will be a way to disable those view ports, PTRS goes brrrrt


Not only the FG42 needs bayonet, but also a Winchester.
And for many others that have apparently been forgotten about.


Reliably of a weapon or vehicle isn’t a factor in Enlisted

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But you’d be able to charge with it :> also, it had about 18 cm if I remember correctly, that’s something already

Yep, I don’t think FGs are in need of buff.

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Very nice, but what about tank hull MG’s?


Thats good, tanks have a hard time to manouver with so much debris around, hope some day the machine gun can also swivle when rotating the turret or with shift key inside the tank!

BFV: say what?

Bayonet for every weapon with bayonet lung?

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I don’t care about BFV, one of the worst games of that series.