Talking about next campaign

Because we get a new campaign this year (indipendentaly of what we want is a fact) i was thinking “and here we have raise our voices” that instead of another soviet/us vs germany we can do something more fun and less biased

Italian :it: invasion of egypt “OPERAZIONE E” (E for egypt)

Fougth between the 9 and 16 september 1940 see Italian army vs brithis and free france forces, in 1 week the operation was called completed after the huge fall back of allaied forces allowing italian one to reach el-amein

what this campaign offer

The campaign can offer a lot of coastal battle mostly was Fougth in the city and village near the sea (good place for map 3d designer) and some full desert battle with trench and dunes, the campaign can include el-amein so add some german premium squad and even the allaied cyrenaica invasion

a lot of map can be added

Now italy is the main axis faction (german as premium) but allaied can count on brithis and french as primary and commowealth one as premium

For the equipment is very early war so

  • Ba
  • semi-auto are late unlock
  • pre-war smg (smg like thompson or beretta m38 are very high in the grind)
  • we know already the mg (zk,breda,mg34 for axis charlton,bren,bar for allaies)
  • tank are mostly armored car we see tank like m13 or crusade mk2 in late grind
  • plane are biplane and early war plane like c200 and the first spitfire

Because of the massive presence of both regia marina and royal navy we can have

  • marines squad (normally assaulter but with marines uniform)
  • ship artillery (huge upgrade of artillery using 120mm cannon able to blast away half of the map but with 10 minute of team cooldown “play smart”)

please dont come with historical argoument because in enlisted description in the main site there is no writing anymore nothing about historical accuracy for campaign only about weapon and veichle performance


I can already imagine new players being overwhelmed by the sight of 69 campaign tiles to choose from and just quitting the game altogether


I want german invasion of France, Greece, Poland or a winter war map or the Japanese invasion of China.

(I think a French faction would be fun.)

Market garden and bulge too.

Possibly Rheinland campaign.

Moreover I want to see British paras…


I do like the sound of Greece the most out of your list.

I do think OP idea of Egypt would be interesting in terms of terrain, but the equipment selection seems rather lacking given that its so early in the war. There could be potential though, if engineers are strong enough to make the valuable difference.

Moreover lets see german raped once again because no one play them

  • Greece no to many nation involved a shit to balance
  • Poland political landmine
  • Winter war nope because motherland never lose a war
  • Bulge is normandy 2.0
  • Rheinland is bulge 2.0
  • Then ask for premium british para (assaulter) in normandy

Nothing like 50 campaigns with each one of those having 3-5 maps on repeat. Unless you’re stalingrad, there you play literally 1 map over and over again with changed gamemodes and ampulomet spam all year round

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Early War France and insert copy paste soviet campaign here will be the campaigns added this year.

Italy Would be cool. Monte Cassino, or even the Balkans.

Invasion of France
Winter war Finland
Those will be the next two campaigns In 2023
Weapons are a good indicator for future campaigns.


An Italian campaign would work easily too since there already is Italian weapons and voices In The game.

Early titles like BF1942 had a lot of parts of the war each one represented by one map…and nobody cared back then. Actually I have a ton of fun when I’m just starting a campaign with just a humble bolt action…my son can still do pretty well with k98s alongside me with FG42s

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Comparing BF1942 to Enlisted is frankly like comparing Bananas to Lemons, yeah both are yellow, yeah you can drive tanks and fly aircraft and use equipment respective to the chosen army but you aren’t restricted to an area the size of a football field and you sure as hell aren’t forced to spend hours grinding (or paying with RL money) to unlock the same equipment over and over on every map were you ?


US Winter coats and shit tons of late war US tanks wanna talk about that.


Concept is different.

France: Ob boi. Moscow and Tunisia 3.0 and Germany again
Greece: Lack of content and Germany again
Poland: Hard to balance and Germany again
Market Garde: Literally D-Day and Germany again
Bulge: Literally D-Day with Pershing and Jackson and Germany again
Rheinland/ Rhineland: Literally Bulge/ Normandy

Premiums in Normandy at some point

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I hope you don’t take my comments too seriously, but I would like to see a campaign for the Korean and Vietnam wars if given the chance.
I have never seen the Korean War gamified, imagine Marines with Garlands and BARs riding in early helicopters, pretty exciting. Also the Vietnam War was a space where WW2 era weapons and modern weapons were mixed together.
Yes, it is not WW2. But with the Cold War content being added to WarThunder, I hope we get a chance to see that in a few years.

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Support multiplayer custom templates for editors, then they can make whatever campaign they want. I’m looking forward to things like Battle for the Moon, where we can fly UFOs.

But I’d be pissed if they took the time to make a new campaign instead of working hard in the editor before that!


Seems like you’re right that the game no longer promises historical accuracy. Thou I still think false advertising exists. The word ‘history’ has two appearances, as highlighted below.

I think Enlisted should improve the English on its official media. There are grammar errors in the introduction, and it doesn’t match the image of a high-quality game. Changes could be easily made.

After reading the part highlighted in blue again and again, I have to say that it is still an overclaim, even without talking about historical accuracy. Large numbers of entities alone are far from enough to reconstruct the atmosphere of a WW2 battle like D-Day. The description could also be rather misleading to some poor guy who’s interested in the reality of history but isn’t willing to pay for distinguished titles like Post Scriptum. He probably could take this advertisement of a ‘true atmosphere’ seriously because in the vast wasteland of arcady WW2 games it’s like a beacon of hope, and it will lead him to think that the battles featured in-game would be gruesome, organized, and without equipment and landscape that are obviously unrealistic and immersion-breaking. This immersion is stated at the yellow highlight.
However, currently in game are a lot of immersion-breaking elements. Take Normandy as example: Hundreds of lives constantly lost just for the securing of a random house, which has less strategic value than being reduced to rubble and serving as a coffin for enemies that are identified inside; A red circle telling every individual soldier, even your enemies, where so-called artillery would land; WW1-era Springfield1903 and Canadian WW1-era Ross rifles in the hands of US GIs, who should be fully equipped with Garands by then; and frequent kamikazes against infantry when this didn’t even happen in the Pacific.
It’s nice that the marketing people or devs have removed some false advertising. But those inconsistencies that remain will either require great effort from the devs to fix, or a sustained opposition from players to eradicate.

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excuse me if i try to ask for better campaign wo can use more than 10 map

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italy would be shit, because italy was in civil war and we know darkflow love play safe im sure what you ask become normandy 0.5