T-34 op

That would have been p2w. It should have been historical. Where even 37mms take em out

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Who cares esport fantasies.

Just “Skills”
I always manage to deal with T-50 with my 4E/4F1. And I still prefer these two not 3J1.

Obvious T-34 is much better than 3J1. But its just asymmetric balance.
Where’s people complaining when it was 4E vs T-28?

T-34 just take over 4E’s Moscow’s best tank.

What I need is, un-nerf the ZH29.


apparently you since you somehow magically managed to bypass my previous reply.

well apparently its still you,

And what is the counter of t-34 in this assymmetrical balance ?
Planes ?
Mkb42 ?
And what so much better germans have to fullfill this assymmetrical balance theory ?

And what was wrong with them ?
Was the T-28 model broken so it was OHK everywhere ?
Was it unable to pen 4E from any angle ?
If any of above mentioned issues was the one you are speaking of they have been fixed.

In what sense ? Against T-50 ? Sure T-50 has worse HE than 4E, but that hardly helps if your constantly in spawning menu due to T-50 being simply better tank in tank vs tank combat.

Yeah, thats totally relevant to subject of T-34 and definitely will fix the issue of T-34.

Isnt Stuka the best attacker plane in moscow?
Easy to control, and very low level. 250kg allows non precise aiming.

LOL, you dont even knows T-28’s shrapnel.

I bet you dont have ever played both T-34 and 3J1. No need to talk with you.

Well when you put it that way yes. Its much harder to click on spotted target with rockets. Even the starter plane has them and they are more than capable to take out any germut tank.
But yeah, the 250kg bombs definitely make such differency in plane category towards germut that it fixes the assymmetrical balance in tank combat.

Why would I ask if I knew what you are talking about ?

Yet you reply to me ? Like wtf ?

both sides have planes, and soviets get the ppsh which is more than capable of competing against the stg and mkb.

There is no asymmetrical balance besides that one side gets better tanks and the other doesnt.

Also in general I dont like when ppl come up with the plane argument, most ppl dont fly in games like these, its a niche part of the game, thus shouldn’t be balanced around it.

well it would make sense if this was the soviets best plane

But apparently thats not the case.

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also I would like to point out that planes are still kinda not really useful in general, yes they get some kills here and there and can be helpful at destroying tanks in powerful positions, however when ever I encounter planes that kill me, I just respawn and keep playing, its literally the best counter to planes, because no matter how good of a pilot you are, staying on the ground and playing the objective is always a better call.

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I also destroyed some of them so far, its not as bad as the T50, however still not good enough balance wise, its the old problem with how dmg works, either you have a gun that can penetrate but with too little damage, or you straight up one hit kill as long as you hit them super small weak spots.

Dude I don’t know what kind of panzerchokolade you’re on, but T-34 was literally the optimal tank for the conditions the USSR found itself in during WW2, and it was a very successfull design too.

I’m not going to go into detail on how just 50 T-34s had been operated before WW2, how 1930s purges had a say, how the Red Army was in the middle of rearmament, radios, optics, steel etc when speaking of T-34 losses, but the fact is: it was a great tank. No wonder it was in service up to Berlin and literally up to not too long ago in 2000s.

He died from pneumonia, have some decency.

Replace the Pz III J1 with the Pz III L ?

Well perhaps in some countrys 80% loss rate is indeed succesful design.

Well it was in mass production so it makes sense it was in service during the war rather than starting to build & design new tank to mass production during the ongoing war.
Production ended 1945 in ussr.

And T-34 having fair share of exhaust gasses inside the crew cabin didnt exactly heal it.


as a hold out tank, ment as a place holder

if it was produced to the blueprint standard but it was not
they cut so many corners to make the expensive design cheaper, that lead to so many factors that greatly affect the funtion of a tank with out changing the big three (firepower, armor, speed)

  • it had a low survival in fact one of the lowist in ww2, = less experienced crews and less ace’s
  • rubber shortages ment that most of them did not have rubber seals on the hatchs = rain shorts the electronics and thus no radio and/or they have to hand crake the turret and crews have to deal with insane levels of sound
  • the incredibly cramped interiors ment that reloading the gun was unbearly hard and slow = 76 mm L-11 (the one we have ingame in moscow) would fire at 5 shots a minute stationery and 2 a minute moving
  • most of the t-34 that russian had at in 1940 to 1941 were NOT issued with smokeless powder ammo

pneumonia he got from driving the tank

ok to be fair he died because he forgot a heater.

I guess you can come up with a much better design when 1/3 of your country is bombed to pieces already?

Name a better tank produced in 1940-41.

the british Crusader 1941

40mm of armor and a 40mm gun, instantly replaced by Shermans where possible?
Yeah I don’t know about that. Didn’t see Crusaders storming Berlin.

it was a good tank for britons production capability’s at the time of its production
and in lue of you line of thinking, why was the t-34 good, when it was replaced by the t-55