T-29 Grease Gun


Description: A M3 Grease Gun chambered in .30 Carbine. It could use M1 Carbine magazines and was created in response to the StG44 (so it is basically an assault rifle). Also tested in the fall of 1944 from what I read.

The T-29 Grease Gun will be included in a BR3 premium squad with 4 assaulters, engineer, and AT gunner.


  • Damage: (Same as M1 Carbine)
  • Velocity: 500 m/s
  • Magazine: 30/90
  • Empty Reload: 2.8, Tactical Reload: 2.3
  • Fire rate: 470 rounds/min
  • Recoil: (Same as M1 Carbine)

Why I want this in game:

USA does not have any premium or event assaulter squads in BR3. This would be a good one to include.

If this is too OP, you can also give it a 15 round magazine.

I would also warn you that I may have made some errors when researching. I couldn’t find any information on muzzle velocity, fire rate, or whether you could have a round in the chamber.




I love cursed things