Switch the 1903's sights

Good lord please give us 1903A1s for non-snipers instead of the one we have, the irons on the A4 are so much better!
The base 1903 has trash sights that are just horrible with the big block and nub in the middle.

Nevermind that it’s 1944 and they’d most likely be using the 1903A1 instead of the OG from World War 1

What I’m trying to suggest is give the 1903 the A1’s iron sights please. They’re much more usable compared to the base 1903 and similar to the k98 and g33/40


The 1903A1 that all the 1903s should prolly be, if not having it as an unlock early on
The peepee poopoo sights we get on the old yee yee ass Springfield

Why was this reported good lord


Having the ring sight on the Springfield would make the quality of life as a USA player so much better. Also player wouldn’t miss their shots since it’ll have a ring unlike the poorly modeled sight on the Springfield right now.


I don’t see why people care about the front sight ring, it’s only there to stop the front post from breaking off.

I wouldn’t mind if it was added but I’m happy with the existing sights.

I and GI despise the base 1903 sights
I’ve hated them since friggin’ RS1

My favorite iron sights for Normandy are probably the ones from the Enfield no4, those are really neat as well.

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Who reported that, what the hell?

IMAGINE reporting something relevant without anything in it that breaks the rules

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Definitely not the first time and it won’t be the last time here.

That a post can get censored just because someone reports it without a mod looking at it is a serious flaw.

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I have to admit, my aim is always better with ring sights

Enfield sights gives you great situational awareness because the front sights is very thin and you can do long range sniping with it.

For example: M1 Garand has a big fat front sight and can’t be used for long range sniping as Enfield can

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