Suspending Early Access on Steam

tbh whoever is greenlighting stuff even if you guys are woefully unprepared should be given a good ole tag in the sack
Its one thing to take forever to do meaningful things
Its another entirely to constantly put out poorly put together updates just because management says you have to


The road will always be difficult, I hope that the game that we like overcomes the difficulties to deliver a better product


I wish it was priced better, 60$ and 100$ is ridiculous, why not 40$ for the panzer 1 and m13 and same with the m8a1 and colt or a bundle with both new tanks, I get this was supposed to be paid access but would’ve been nice to have more options with bundle choices


Well, sleep is overrated :smiley:
P.S For me it’s a 5 AM already c:


So true!




Considering we are going on steam maybe we should try changing up some things and maybe have two engineers in that squad and a medic along with your assaulters so it’s not just the same thing over and over again and with the two engineers and the medic In that squad it should hopefully incentivize people to start working together and hopefully act like a team.

this is from that last train wreck of a post but maybe it could be considered considering it’s different


honestly i was fine with the paid dlc to access steam and even considered buying it, then i saw what contains and nope out so hard but gotta say its been a fun day reading all the stuff about the steam release was actually funnier than playing the game. so yeah F for steam released and gl with the next try and hope people dint took it too personal

Indonesia? Vietnam? Thailand?

yeah asian 5 am right now

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I don’t think it’s a good idea to change squads which one are now on sale.


You admit your mistakes faster than I thought.
I hope that those activities that were forced to shorten their time in the past can also receive this kind of treatment


Is it 5 am now?
James, I didn’t know you lived in Thailand. :open_mouth:

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For starters, I don’t envy your job. I know you’re the bearer of bad news, and not the actual dev or project

On silver gain
-literally nothing productive was done. The entry prices for buying gear and troops are oppressively high. With all due respect, Minor cost reductions to some upgrades and an extra 500 silver in daily boxes is not significant progress to resolving the issue. New players aren’t worried about upgrading because they can’t even kit their squads in the first place.

Greyzoning/plane cycling
-Has been an issue since I started playing on 2021 and has no balanced fix. Infantry need viable counters at every tier, and currently there are none.

Clan system and lobby chat
-I personally have heard nothing, and transparency would be fantastic. Saying what yall are working towards and giving examples are much better than just a blanket statement.

-I know devs are aware because it’s been an issue for years. But there hasn’t been progress and we need actual progress to regain trust.

Rockets exploding when firing through windows
-same as bipods

AI Reactiveness
-same as bipods. We keep seeing there are more changes but in game notice zero difference. Bots still stare blankly as they are mowed down.

The community wants transparency. We don’t want the occasional EMABP with additions we didn’t ask for (clothes flapping in wind, boxes breaking). We want meaningful rebalances to the game’s economy, playstyle, and removal of exploits in the game. This isn’t directed at you, but at DF as a whole. Broad statements don’t tell us anything and don’t reassure us of anything.

Edit: For example, something like a biweekly update of “this is what we are working on” would be great. Or a roadmap with clear targets and deadlines.


You hyped up the packs to be unique and awesome but what we got was recycled squads and slight variations of existing vehicles. You didn’t even upgrade the existing M3 field mod squads to give them an engineer.
You have so many event/founder squads and twitch drop items you could have used.


It’s not really changing it’s improving and making it different and making it more desirable for new players and veterans.

And the Last Post which is exploded just leave alone because people are just venting in there

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strictly speaking
Close to 6 o’clock

The road is difficult
Especially when everyone is reminding and blocking but chooses to ignore the suggestions.

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Just let us buy the tanks separately

in here still 40 minute before 6 0’clock

with all my love, since I love cats, I can understand people’s anger, since there are many complaints about different bugs, problems and other things that people want to be prioritized before releasing the product to steam, it is worth To say that as others have mentioned before me, the game must have the possibility of linking to your account like in war thunder and that it is free to play, I genuinely appreciate your effort and the group of developers who take it seriously their work and that despite the insults and criticism received from undesirable people since they do not understand that this is not something that you decide, but rather the people who are above you, thank you for everything and please continue sharing love and kittens and keep us informed james <3