Supply drop

same stuff with probably different skin XD

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a slightly weaker mp35 for a lower br though.

more variety so to speak.


We will get it Soon™️ a.k.a the next major update in January, 2025. At least I hope so.


Hopefully in this decade I don’t think we will see it in next major update

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hopefully it aa base i really want my aa tank since there isnt any plan for silver weekend or something similar yet (2 different thing i know but i really want more silver for obvious reason)

Can you stop only giving us like 1-2 of an item in events, it’s extremely annoying to people who don’t like to weapon mix in squads

An event for Germany only? No way, it’s not like you Darkflow.
Im not complaining though, I love getting more Breda PGs!


True. Same goes for the Super Pershing. I think it has been ‘cooking’ for too long that it will end up being ‘overcooked’.


Photo of the gun

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They still had to test the shells it’s HE how it play how fast it moved

Like example in pacific we had the 105 in files for a very long time that had heat shells they removed it

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Yeah great news more silver!

I see. Last I heard they were having some problems with the extra armour plates on the Super Pershing. However, I am not sure about this.

They still test stuff even when they port tanks they have to alter the look like I found this video a while back (I’m trying to find rn) where this guy was looking at tanks and a couple had weird shadows bc porting the file got messed up

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More Bredas



Yeah. Like I think the interiors of the ISU-152 and the Jagdtiger are probably a bit bugged. I remember seeing a video where you had close to a third person view on these tanks.


Yeah not hard to use them but then having to look good is the issue with balancing

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btw i notice the medal on the soldier will there ever be medal on medal soldier? just asking cause it look cool imo

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and another event for germany, dude, give japs more event for emperor love

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(Why only one tho :cry:)

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More Bredas?

Me like.

TWO mp35 from training grounds??? Me like even more.

Me, happy.