Supply drop №2

Commanders! The situation on the battlefield is still heated - to increase your combat effectiveness, command is sending you valuable equipment. Don’t let them down!

In the “Supply drop” events, your armies will be supplied with rare and experimental weapons: both new and from previous events!

This time, Japan will receive supplies!

From December 18th (13:00 UTC) to December 24th (13:00 UTC), you can get rewards for completing tasks.


For completing 8 and 10 out of the 12 tasks, you will receive unique rewards.


Phase 1 (December 18th - December 20th):

  • Kill 60 enemies using a submachine gun.
  • Kill 50 enemies using a bolt-action rifle.
  • Kill 50 enemies using a semi-auto rifle.
  • Complete 4 battles.

Phase 2 (December 20th - December 22nd):

  • Kill 50 enemies using a machine gun.
  • Kill 10 enemies using a melee weapon.
  • Kill 10 enemies using grenades.
  • Complete 4 battles.

Phase 3 (December 22nd - December 24th):

  • Destroy 5 vehicles.
  • Build rally points and deploy APCs that will be used 30 times.
  • Kill 60 enemies using a vehicle.
  • Complete 4 battles.


  • The tasks can be completed in the Squads mode.
  • The list of tasks is updated every two days at 13:00 UTC.
  • Tasks can be completed simultaneously.
  • Uncollected rewards will disappear when the tasks change.
  • From December 24th to December 26th (13:00 UTC), after the end of the event, you will have the opportunity to purchase any missing rewards.

Katana buff when?


You (Soviets) get a Thompson!
You (Chinese) get a Thompson!
You (Japanese) get a Thompson!

images (1) (3)


It hurts man. It really do. I want a free 100 rounder and 1000 RoF

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I guess this is the Japanese themed event that many people have been waiting for.
Although it doesn’t refer to any Japanese festival or anniversary.


I don’t understand why tasks are always so dull and not more themed around Japan. Since the entire mini-event focuses on that faction.

So rather than this:

It could be something like this:

  • Kill 60 enemies as Japanese MG gunner
  • Kill 50 enemies as Japanese rifleman
  • Heal 30 teammates as Japanese medic

At least it would be some incetive to not play US after all the stuff they got with the new update.


German Thompsons when?

M1 Carbine and Garand too


It won’t be the only one™. :blush:


Would totally break MM.


Soviets vs Japanese event finally?


0 days event


How exactly?

It’s not like that every veteran is playing US now anyway.

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i dont i still torture germutts on rank 3 with my kv1 :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah can’t wait to get another Japanese decal or another engraved pistol :frowning:

If you need to play faction X to unlock event rewards, i can guarantee a massive shift of playerbase towards that faction.

This will mean that every other faction gets depopulated.


In the context of these mini events, I disagree with such assumption.

Even more so when you combine it with the reality of US getting a lot more stuff than any other faction with the new update and huge people are playing just that.

So will the Christmas discount promotion start tonight?

You can disagree. But every player who wants to complete the event will realistically switch over to the required faction until the condition is met.

This will inevitability fuck up MM particularly for the other side in your example, meaning that US will get nuked extremely hard.


I’m not disputing that.

I’m just saying that I don’t think it would be as significant a number of people as you present it.

It’s literally just your assumption.

For you to be right, the players would need to not engage with the events in general. I find that doubtful given just how hard Gaijin is leaning on an increasing event pressure. They wouldn’t do it if players didn’t care.

Your position also literally just an assumption.

Moreover, I would say that experienced / good players are much more likely to care, which just contributes to the nuking.

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