Suicide divers should grant their target a kill

I am most likely the only person who doesn’t mind kamikaze guys at all.

They are never blocking plane slots for long. So at least I got a chance to play plane in that match.

And playing against them isn’t a big deal either. Mostly they are just bombing objectives for free kills, since most of them have really really low skill levels.

Plus I often get a kill, because I just hit them on last sec with some infantry weapon.

They are annoying only if you are playing pure fighter planes without any CAS capabilities, making you essentially useless.

Do you really think about it?
Why is he not eligible to get points for killing enemies?
Isn’t it reasonable to get points for killing enemies?
It’s easier than understanding why a group of guys with insufficient skills and no desire to fight back discuss how to get more unearned points.

Pretty much sums up FLAG03ing aka suicide-bombing.
Skilless and lack of balls to earn points they didnt earn.

Because they are completely incapable of resisting due to their own shortcomings
Only underskilled and lazy players have no way to stop a suicide attack
So they hate it extremely and discredit this behavior to make excuses for their failures.

So why can’t you even try and fight back?
Isn’t that better than asking for unearned gains?

Funny because you always do that to other playstyle (or just straight flag the people) but that is fine because its you.

Why cant you try to use a plane properly and not like those Japs in the Middle East during 9/11 according to you?
Would improve your K/D for sure.

actually quite high for certain communities. queue sync has been a thing in a lot of games. sometimes people want to “cheat” with getting 2-3 teams on one team, other times people want to fight against each other and sometimes people do this do help each other farm points.

just remember 8 people zombie queue sync.

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only underskilled and lazy players use suicide attacks.


I don’t care about my KD
I only care about how quickly I can destroy the enemy’s high-risk units and reduce the chance of friendly forces being massacred.

Because suicide attacks can more effectively destroy all high-risk units and save round trip time and reduce the possibility of being intercepted.
It won’t occupy the plane grid so that everyone can fly the plane.
This is more advantageous than the time wasted in replenishing ammunition and the risk of being attacked.
It is also more useful than dragging a damaged aircraft to extend the flight time or flying 3 to 4 times to find the enemy and correct the trajectory.


I’m still a little confident in my ground combat abilities.
Of course not the strongest 1%
But it should be more powerful than the remaining 90%?

According to your statement
Are those who will be destroyed by suicide attacks more unskilled and lazy than the suicidal players?

I just enjoy killing guys even more incompetent than me with suicide attacks :smiley:

They should go even further if they consider that behavior is not desirable (and I’m not sure they do, seeing how the game is almost entirely about cheesy explosives spam with naive infantry trying to use their guns).

The most straightforward solution would be to lock that airplane until the end of battle for the player in question. Maybe it shouldn’t even be limited to crashing into the ground. They could add a way to safely disengage from combat zone and switch to a different squad / vehicle (an airfield or other kind of “exit”), and lock any airplanes that were destroyed until the end of battle.

That would make airplanes significantly more rare, which is a good thing for the game as a whole as far as I’m concerned. There’s not nearly enough emphasis on pure infantry combat and too much infuriating cheese and clownery. The problem here is that it would make another kind of “vicious trolling” with explosives more viable, namely, grey zone HE tanks. They’d need to do something on that front as well if they don’t want to fix one thing and break another.

A more complicated solution would be to make all vehicles require respawn points that can only be acquired using infantry. I’m sure everyone understand what that entails. The biggest difficult of this approach is that it would require a lot of fine-tuning and may never reach perfect equilibrium. Plus this game is so… maliable… that we are likely to just end up with lots of new ways to abuse the current setup.

In other words, any approach they may take should be wholistic. Fixing any one small part of the game in a vacuum is pointless when everything is so flawed and so interconnected.

This is a (war) themed multiplayer PVP game
This means you can kill your enemy with anything
Learning, cooperation and efficiency are what players need
The inability to fight is simply due to lack of skills and laziness on the part of the individual or group.

If you just want to play the pure infantry game of your dreams
Instead of experiencing the cruel and ruthless meat grinder
Maybe you should play other ordinary FPS games
At least there won’t be any iron coffins that can blow you up or grenade launchers attached to guns.
Instead of protesting on the forum about something that is too powerful and kills you, or about which map’s terrain has become a slaughterhouse specifically for slaughtering friendly troops.

If some people only use protests to cover up the incompetence and laziness of individuals or groups
Instead of learning how to fight and team up
Most games may not be suitable for these people
Because they never leave their comfort zone

Ey, FLAG. Stop flagging like a CCP.


I guess you need to figure out why planes choose to kamikaze first, and then come up a solution of kamikaze, because you didn’t even land a single useful point here.

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I think the representative of the FLAGers sums it up pretty much and it aint pretty.

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Its funny to me how defensive this discussion has become - almost as if I hit the spot.

No, you are not. I also think it is fine, especially with grey zone tanks

As if! Good choice of words

Funnily enough, by kamikaze a tiger 2, the game instantly loses 2 highly dangerous vehicles lol