Suicide divers should grant their target a kill

Kamikaze players are vicious trolls that would absolutely hate the idea of their enemy getting a free kill.

Once they crash and there is someone close enough like 20 meters to the crash area - the closest player should simply be granted the vehicle kill.

A lot of suicide divers would stop doing it, while the players that actually get killed by them won’t feel all that mad about such stupid gameplay.


that would actually reward them. iirc if someone kills your squad you get 100-200xp for death, while if you suicide you get 0 xp.

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Also it can be exploited by both X keep cycling plane and Y who put himself in a place we’re X can always kill him by kamikaze

No, I would not. I will still kamikaze the camping tiger 2. Fix that first, and then I will stop.(I wish I have the sill to pull out of the dive quickly enough, but every time I try I end up dead.)


You would give the camping Tiger a free vehicle kill.

I bet you would feel bad for it, and the Tiger wouldn’t mind dieing.

Two enemies help each other and try to get free kills? What are the chances for that?

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No, I do not care about that. I would be happy both for my team and for the tiger player.

I don’t believe you.

That is ur choice. I do not spam planes. Just an sbd’s 1000 pound bomb to the tiger 2, and I am back in my Sherman or on the ground.

They can coordinate it by clicking on “start” at the same time.

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I think you are creating a strawman because you dislike kamikazing, I think a lot of pilots are just really bad and can’t hit their targets otherwise.


I would like to add that players have no option other than that to get rid of a camping heavy tank

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Why is a player who is unwilling to even try to shoot a suicidal plane eligible for points?
If you want points, you should shoot at the plane.
Then you can easily get points
Instead of just begging from the official for benefits that require no effort

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When you see a few low-skilled pilots occupying the aircraft for an extended period of time.
But after flying many times but only killing a small number of infantry or 1 or 2 vehicles
You can only watch your teammates being killed by the enemy’s firepower.
Nothing can be worse than this

Why should the suicider be “eligible” for points?


Crash should count as a failure then.

If they can’t fly and drop a bomb without doing kamikaze, they shouldn’t fly in the first place.

To be honest, I do not want the points. I just want the objective done………

If it is a failure then why it is a problem for the opposition. If anything it is good for them

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