Suggestion: Reserve Squad Purchase

Please allow the purchase of additional reserve squads. With how presets work (not changing the equipment within, just the squad used). To properly setup presets if you want the same squad type, you need upwards of 9 available squads of the same type (if you were to have 3 to cycle/carousel in each … BR 1 - 2, BR 3, and BR 4-5). Enable the purchase of additional reserve squads to fill presets when desired, at least for the base squad types (Riflemen, Assaulter, Sniper, Machine Gunner, Engineer, AT Gunner).

Reserve Squad Pool could work similar to how the duplicate premiums worked in the Steam Test (where it was just a different company within the same unit)


being able to purchase an extra Assaulter II, III, and IV squad for example.


Realistically most of us only need 3 of each squad type. BR II, III, and V setups. I-II and I-III are mixed together in the II and III squads and IV-V are mixed together in the V squad because some guns are better than others and some people prefer different guns

I have ran into issues (mostly in Japan since no legacy squads) where I cannot equip assaulters, riflement, etc in certain BR presets, simply because they are used in another preset already. New players will not have the benefit of those legacy squads though, so this could be worse for them.


Yeah I can see how the Japs suffer from that. They are the least filled nation. But hey, should’ve invested more into the IJA. Maybe they could’ve gotten somewhere and not had to taste the sun. Lol. Anyways, there’s been an idea to allow us to buy legacy squads. Maybe they’ll go through with that. Doubt it, but maybe


I think the better solution is to somehow make squad equipment tied to the preset, that way you can swap presets and the equipment on your squads change too. Then you wouldn’t need extra squads like this.

I have 19 active Assualter squads for GER :smirk:


Someone get this man 18 more infantry slots!

While this is nice I’m fine with either solution. Adding the appropriate squads to the tech tree would be nice so I could continue creaty my historically accurate presets of armies. I haved so far formed the 2 Panzer Group (1941) and the 9th Army (1941)

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Preset building is the true endgame

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It truly is.

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I only made it halfway through Moscow and an just now touching BR 4 Germany. I’m not endgame, I just get a lot of squads. With research I can learn what they did and whatnot. I find it very cool and wish they’d have kept giving us squads.

Thats cool, I am just saying that preset building is the real endgame. I’ve got all the tech trees done, so most of the time I am building/using themed presets, like all Italy or British squads.

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Some of us make more. For an example i have italian presets and german presets as well as historically accurate presets

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