Suggestion regarding a Texture and sound viewer inside the editor

greetings, a small and neat feature that i would like is, being able to view sounds and textures so that we, editor designers, can select the right camo for vehicles, make objects with more counciled and more aproriate texture ( as an example, being able to change the summer tends and make them more white with other textures for the winter enivorement. or add some layers on top for visual astetics on sandbags ) and/or change sounds regarding vehicles, engine sounds, ambiet noises etc.

i was currently experimenting to create various trucks and AA guns around the map to make them as an objective on their own where players have to blow them up. but the problem is, even though the objective it self it’s not a radio, it still emits the noises of a radio.

those problems arise when both of the features in order to change them, requires a specific name of sounds and textures which we do not have acess to the list.

anyway, if possible, this viewer should help us browse and be able to listen sounds or view the textures. for later on being able to copy the name, and apply them though the proprty panel.



Thx for your feedback, ill send it