
I’d like to ask if making double keybinds be possible on controller as it is on kb&m, mainly for marks if anything.
Personally I play on PC but always been a Xbox first person shooter player so I’m obviously better using controller but sadly when it comes to marking enemy’s there is no double binds for controller.
Why double binds would be useful? I mapped my mark to my shoot button to ‘automatically’ mark enemy’s when I’m engaging in fights but it would be nice to be able to mark tanks and general areas without having to shoot random bullets.
I guess you could say just have a separate bind for marking but the quality of life of the easy precise marks when shooting enemy’s is too good, I have only been playing a few months and already know how detrimental enemy marks can be for a win or a loss in some cases. I would like to see the default marking button be placed as the shoot button as when you get thrown into a team full of newer players in lower BR you rarely see them and I feel like asking in chat is pointless due to most never even doing any research into how to play the game (same goes for standing all over random parts of the map never pushing objectives) and not even knowing about it.
I think we all know the new player grind is a living hell but me personally getting to experience it, I had to watch A LOT of YouTube videos to figure out how tf you’re meant to play the game and navigate all its weird quirks and I only did so because I was very interested in the gameplay, very much doubt even 5% of brand new players will go through the trouble for example I invited some friends to play and having to explain the basics of how to work the menu screen ect they gave up and never looked back after the first game.
Sorry for going off on a tangent but usability especially for new players needs a complete overhaul if this game is ever going to entice and capture a new player into logging back in.
Play time around 3 months, brought premium and battlepass to speed grind, around 600 games total (dropping 60-100+ kills a game, multiple vehicle kills ect, multiple medals each game and almost 80% win rate for 1.5x boosts ontop of everything else, better than your average player especially new starters) 99.9% of games in soviets as that’s just what I started playing and decided to max the tech tree one at a time…only 3 tanks away from doing so… and still broke as an absolute joke with a lot of guns needing to be purchased/leveled up, half the tech tree un purchased. I have played religiously since I first started grinding every event/battlepass rewards and I’ve still got half finished squads after all this hard work and added bonus xp and bonus of being better than average and actually researching the game to become even better. I really don’t know how they would expect anyone free to play to stay playing unless they absolutely loved the game which isn’t going to be a majority.
May god have mercy on any free to play average player who must have to grind the absolute fuck out of the game for half a year or more on one single country to complete 1/4 tech trees AND STILL NOT HAVE MONEY TO EQUIPT YOUR SQAUDS WITH GUNS/UPGRADES/BUY THE TECH TREE THEY WORKED TIRELESSLY TO UNLOCK.
I’d also love to buy some premium squads but someone must have smoked meth while pricing some of them because holy shit… expensive.
I love the game and I’d hate to see it slowly die off due to these issues not being fixed fast enough for it to matter.
Long story short, please for the next few months focus all updates and energy into fixing the game and making it better for new players so the game can thrive.

Bonus ES for something I’m already doing? Sure

We need bonus silver per match plus that