[suggestion]Let's make it possible to shoot players who refuse to move forward!

So, one of the problems that plague us is players who refuse to advance.
They don’t advance to the CP, they don’t stay in the CP, which is fine if they are useful snipers, but most of the time they are poor shooters as well.
Why not allow them to be shot to death by their allies?
2024 is the time to implement Barrier troops, the premier squads that can kill their allies!
These troops are HA to exist in any faction other than the US.
The Soviets shot fleeing allies and the Germans hung fleeing soldiers.
Not to mention the Japanese troops, soldiers who did not die were turned into sword stains!

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It is clearly an American propaganda film, but it is my favorite! (mainly Rachel Weisz’s ass). :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’d love the ability to execute fools placing rally points in roofs/ceilings (thus locking all the teams bots up there) because they wanted to just snipe.


They need to be court-martialed.
I would like to see the ability for teams to vote to destroy rally points placed in silly places and execute their creators!

I miss when we could destroy friendly rallies. I understand why it got removed, because some fools like to annoy their own teams, along new events requesting rallies being used.

But I automatically destroyed any rallies found in ceilings. There was so many in Moscow campaign… so many dead weights just wanting to stay in their one windowsill…

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You have WP and molotovs for this.

I remember when I first started this game, I was so mad that the game was derailed by some idiot building a rally point on top of a silo. :rage:

An update to make it impossible to build rally points on high ground is seriously needed! :joy:

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dam maybe we need an officer class for this task since i have some idea for it but it might not work since enlisted doesnt have any buff system (even tho you get slowness when you get hit kinda like a debuff)

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New gold order soldier potential

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When i was grinding pacific allies, i was seriously considering setting up a 9x large grenade pouch 3x molotov squad just so i could run around setting friendly campers on fire to motivate forward movement.

Should have done it.

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needless to say, only premium squads will have that mechanic, 50 bucks and its all yours. they never seen so much money come in so fast.

you can also have the F2P version, which comes with a special weapon that does no damage, but have a “BANG!” flag come out of the barrel, and you just drop dead instead of your target.

here, as datamined from the test server, we can see this exciting new mechanic in action:


Earlier I had to abandon my APC as somebody in a tank (on our team) wouldn’t move off of one of the single lane bridges in Japan. I tried ramming and honking but had to give up so we didn’t lose the point.

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Too messy. I want to cut the useless snipers in half with katana

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