Suggestion for Tech Tree for Japan

My Suggestion Additional for Japanese Tech Tree in Next Update or Next Battle Pass.

Type 26 Revolver Pistol
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Golden Order Pistol
Japanese Smith and Wesson No3
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Tier 1

Type 99 Rifle (Long)
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Tier 2

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It’s either part of Tech Tree or Golden Order

ZB 26 (6.5 Round Conversion)
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type 99 long is already a thing for the premium sniper squad and event riflemen squad they have


Yeah I hope it will part of Tier 1 for Japan.

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Well we already have a premium jumbo that’s IDENTICAL to the newly added tech tree one aside from a cosmetic different. So who knows, hopefully these can be added.

the new added one has a 76mm with APHE, the premium one is a 75mm with AP and a 1 shot ram

A possible bug on my end then, they both said 76mm. Strange…