Suggestion for pacific campaign: Battle of Tokyo

Battle of Tokyo 1946

Tokyo, March 1945

American frag fly over downtown of Tokyo

Photo came from here:

I realized that many people are looking forward to the Pacific War at the end of World War II. So, I suggest to implement Tokyo campaign!

Why the “Battle of Tokyo”?

I think you have a question why I suggest a battle that didn’t actually happen in spite of there are lots of interesting battles in Pacific campaign.
Surely battle of Iwojima, Leyte, Okinawa etc are very interesting. But in such battles Japanese does not have a good weapons which is able to fought against allied forces: limited automatic weapons, anti-tank weapon, armored vehicles etc. However, in the Battle of Tokyo there will be various interesting and useful weapons because it is a “last-ditch” battle for the empire. They were preparing lots of powerful new weapons like anti-tank rocket launcher, new powerful tanks etc. Such weapons will make game more interesting!
Also, if create Tokyo map, we can play various unique battlefields like fortified coast, suburban paddy fields and central area of one of the largest city of the world.

About Battlefield

Generally, this campaign map will consisted with four type of battlefields.

  1. Fortified coastal area
  2. Suburban paddy fields around Tokyo
  3. Residential area around Tokyo
  4. Central area of Tokyo

Before the war, Tokyo was one of the largest city of the world. In 1945, most of buildings including Imperial Palace were burnt down, but still lots of buildings were left. Also, in center of urban area there are lots of wreck of burnt down concrete or brick building are existed. Because of it a fierce urban warfare will occur.
Above all, central area there are lots of interesting buildings were left. For example, Dai-ichi Life Building (Headquarter of Japanese Eastern District Army & GHQ/SCAP), Imperial Diet Building (its a translation of “Reichstag” in German), Tokyo Station (almost burnt down but symbol of Tokyo) etc. They will be very interesting battlefield.

Also, beaches where allied forces will land were strictly fortified. There will be bloody battles like Omaha Beach on the coastline. Especially, Japanese planned to occur melee state to make difficult the fire support of allied forces, and Japanese artilleries will attack enemy troops even though friendly troops are killed by their fire so there will be more casualties than before.
In case of Sagami bay (beach where main force of allied force will land), about 100,000 m of underpass was dug per each regiments. Also, there are lots of heavy fortress cannons, field cannons, howitzers and rockets were deployed. Additionally they dig lots of “spider hole” (Japanese called it “Takotsubo”: meant octopus pods) for suicide attack troops.

Around the outer edge of the city, there were forests and paddy fields were still left. Such area make tanks difficult to mobile speedy and it will be very good position for defenders. To make battles, including such places will make battle interesting, too.

For the game, area around Sagami-bay to center of Tokyo will be very interesting. There are fortified coast, Tokyo-bay fortress, widely spreading urban area, and core of the empire.

Japanese Forces

Generally, Japanese forces mobilized for Battle of Japan were separated two types of divisions: Coastal Deployment Division (沿岸配備師団) and Mobile Strike Division (機動打撃師団).

Coastal Deployment Division is garrison literary deployed to the coast for attacking enemies from pillboxes and caves and restraining them until the main force arrives. This division was separated two types. First is a type mobilized in the first mobilization of 1945 (第一次兵備) which were numbered 1xx. (eg. 140th Division) This type of divisions had four infantry regiments. Three were “defensive” regiment, and one was “counterattack” regiment which more horses were deployed to reinforce mobility. Second is a type mobilized in third mobilization of 1945 (第三次兵備) which were numbered 3xx. (eg. 303rd Division) This type of divisions had only three infantry regiments.

Mobile Strike Division was a well-armed division for counterattack to enemy landing forces which were numbered 2xx. (eg. 201st Division) This type of divisions had artillery regiment and mortar regiment for the infiltration tactics: even if the damage is not only to the enemy but also to the coastal deployment division, we will provide assault support fire to keep the enemy from getting out of the trenches and allow the assault troops to charge in and destroy the enemy.
However, divisions mobilized in third mobilization of 1945 was consisted with only three infantry regiments.

The 12th Area Army was in charge of defense operations in the Kanto area, including Tokyo. This area army was consisted with 6x coastal deployment divisions, 10x mobile strike divisions, 2x tank divisions, 2x anti-aircraft divisions, 7x mixed brigades, 3x tank brigades and 1x amphibious brigade.

Weapons of Japanese forces


Simple Rifle / 簡易小銃

  • Type: Bolt-Action Rifle
  • Caliber: 7.7 mm
  • Ammo: 7.7x58mmR, Type 99 cartridge
  • Magazine: 1 (magazine is not exist)
  • Weight: no data
  • Bayonet: N/A

This is single-shot bolt-action rifle produced for the mainland decisive battle at the end of World War II. It was deployed for coastal deployment division mobilized in third mobilization.
Compare to National Simple Rifle (国民簡易小銃) for militia, it had decent rifle’s ammunition same as Type 99 rifle etc. National Simple Rifle is separated two types: one is single-shot rifle with rifled barrel which is using 8 mm pistol cartridge and another is primitive matchlock. Both rifles are interesting but they are too useless in game so I did not selected them for rifle for Japanese forces.

Type 38 Infantry Rifle Warfare Production/ 三八式歩兵銃戦時型

  • Type: Bolt-Action Rifle
  • Caliber: 6.5 mm
  • Ammo: 6.5x50mmSR, Type 38 cartridge
  • Velocity: 762 m/s
  • Magazine: 5
  • Weight: 3.73 kg (with bayonet: 4.1 kg)
  • Length: 1,276 mm (with bayonet: 1,663 mm)
  • Bayonet: 30th Year Type Bayonet

This is the most mass-produced infantry rifle in Japan. During the war, quality has deteriorated significantly.
Compare to other rifles, its length is very long. When equip 30th Year Type bayonet, total length was 1.6 m.

If Simple Rifle is unacceptable for game, this rifle is suitable for initial rifle of all troops.

Type 44 Carbine / 四四式騎銃

  • Type: Bolt-Action Rifle
  • Caliber: 7.7 mm
  • Ammo: 6.5x50mmSR, Type 38 cartridge
  • Velocity: 708 m/s
  • Magazine: 5
  • Weight: 3.9 kg
  • Length: 955 mm (with bayonet: 1,309 mm)
  • Bayonet: Foldable Spike Bayonet

Japanese standard carbine rifle. It was improved variant of Type 38 Carbine equipped with spike bayonet.

Type 2 Rifle/ 二式小銃

  • Type: Bolt-Action Rifle
  • Caliber: 7.7 mm
  • Ammo: 7.7x58mmR, Type 99 cartridge
  • Velocity: 720 m/s
  • Magazine: 5
  • Weight: 4.03 kg
  • Length: 1,118 mm (with bayonet: 1,502 mm)
  • Bayonet: Type 2 Bayonet

Paratrooper variant of Type 99 Short Rifle with foldable stock. It is also called Type 2 Te-Ra Gun (二式テラ銃).
It was based upon Type 99 short rifle, but by the folding stock accuracy was inferior to it.
Production was started since 1942, but airborne operations were almost completed and the need was gone. Because of it, this rifle was deployed to normal infantry unit with other rifles.

Type 99 Short Rifle/ 九九式短小銃

  • Type: Bolt-Action Rifle
  • Caliber: 7.7 mm
  • Ammo: 7.7x58mmR, Type 99 cartridge
  • Velocity: 730 m/s
  • Magazine: 5
  • Weight: 3.8 kg
  • Length: 1,118 mm (with bayonet: 1,502 mm)
  • Bayonet: 30th Year Type Bayonet

Short carbine version of Type 99 rifle. However, actually they decided to replace Type 38 infantry rifle by this carbine rifle.
Warfare production type had multiple simplified parts and quality was deteriorated.

Type 4 Automatic Rifle / 四式自動小銃

  • Type: Semi-Auto Rifle
  • Caliber: 7.7 mm
  • Ammo: 7.7x58mmR, Type 99 cartridge
  • Velocity: 689 m/s
  • Magazine: 10
  • Weight: 4.1 kg
  • Length: 1074 mm
  • Bayonet: ?

A copy of Garland by Imperial Japanese Navy.
Ammunition was changed, and capacity of magazine was increased to 10 ammo.

Experimental Automatic Rifle Ko (Long barrel) / 試製自動小銃甲号 (長銃身)

  • Type: Semi-Auto Rifle
  • Caliber: 6.5 mm
  • Ammo: 6.5x50mmSR, Type 38 cartridge
  • Velocity: 750 m/s
  • Magazine: 10
  • Weight: 4.3 kg
  • Length: 1,160 mm
  • Bayonet: 30th Year Type Bayonet

An experimental prototype of Japanese semi-auto rifle designed in 1930s. In the project of semi-auto rifle, they designed three different prototypes: Ko, Otsu and Hei. Otsu was based upon ZH-29, but Ko and Otsu were original domestic design. (Some people say Ko is a copy of Pedersen but it is incorrect.)
Development was completed in 1938, but by the start of war, mass-production of semi-auto rifle was cancelled. About dozens of rifles was manufactured.

Note: about the name
試製 (Shisei) = Experimental
自動小銃 (Jidō Shōjū) = Automatic Rifle
甲号 (Kō Gō) = Mk. A

Premium Rifles

Type 99 Rifle / 九九式小銃

  • Type: Bolt-Action Rifle
  • Caliber: 7.7 mm
  • Ammo: 7.7x58mmR, Type 99 cartridge
  • Velocity: 740 m/s
  • Magazine: 5
  • Weight: 4.1 kg
  • Length: 1,258 mm (with bayonet: 1,642 mm)
  • Bayonet: 30th Year Type Bayonet

An infantry rifle variant of Type 99 short rifle. But weight of the gun become too heavy because caliber was expanded from 6.5 mm to 7.7 mm.
By this reason, Type 99 Short Rifle be a next-gen standard rifle of Japanese army.
Finally, only about 38,000 guns was produced.
It will be suitable for premium squads.

Type 99 Short Rifle with 30 Ammo Magazine

  • Type: Bolt-Action Rifle
  • Caliber: 7.7 mm
  • Ammo: 7.7x58mmR, Type 99 cartridge
  • Velocity: 730 m/s
  • Magazine: 30
  • Weight: no data
  • Length: 1,118 mm (with bayonet: 1,502 mm)
  • Bayonet: 30th Year Type Bayonet

Unknown experimental prototype of Type 99 Short Rifle with 30 ammo magazine of Type 96 Light Machine Gun.
It will be suitable for battle pass weapon.

Rifle Grenade

Type 99 Short Rifle with Type 100 Grenade Launcher / 一〇〇式擲弾機付き九九式短小銃

  • Type: Bolt-Action Rifle
  • Caliber: 7.7 mm
  • Ammo: 7.7x58mmR, Type 99 cartridge
  • Velocity: 730 m/s
  • Magazine: 5
  • Weight: 3.8 kg
  • Length: 1,118 mm (with bayonet: 1,502 mm)
  • Bayonet: 30th Year Type Bayonet
  • Grenade: Type 99 Hand Grenade
    • Explosive: Picric Acid, 57 g
    • Fuse delay: 4-5 sec

Type 100 grenade launcher is rifle grenade launcher for Type 38 infantry rifle, Type 38 carbine, Type 99 rifle and Type 99 short rifle.
It can use Type 99 hand grenade.

Sniper Rifle

Type 97 Sniper Rifle / 九七式狙撃銃

  • Type: Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
  • Caliber: 6.5 mm
  • Ammo: 6.5x50mmSR, Type 38 cartridge, Decreased Powder
  • Velocity: 762.1 m/s
  • Magazine: 5
  • Weight: 4.45 kg
  • Length: 1,276 mm (with bayonet: 1,663 mm)
  • Bayonet: 30th Year Type Bayonet
  • Scope: Type 97 Sniper Scope (x2.5)

Type 99 Sniper Short Rifle / 九九式短狙撃銃

  • Type: Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
  • Caliber: 7.7 mm
  • Ammo: 7.7x58mmR, Type 99 cartridge
  • Velocity: 730 m/s
  • Magazine: 5
  • Weight: 3.8 kg
  • Length: 1,118 mm
  • Bayonet: 30th Year Type Bayonet
  • Scope: Type 97 Sniper Scope (x2.5) or Type 99 Sniper Scope (x4.0)

Sniper rifle variant of Type 99 Short Rifle. It could use not only Type 97 scope but also Type 99 scope.

Premium Sniper Rifle

Type 99 Sniper Short Rifle / 九九式短狙撃銃

  • Type: Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
  • Caliber: 7.7 mm
  • Ammo: 7.7x58mmR, Type 99 cartridge
  • Velocity: 740 m/s
  • Magazine: 5
  • Weight: 4.1 kg
  • Length: 1,258 mm
  • Bayonet: 30th Year Type Bayonet
  • Scope: Type 97 Sniper Scope (x2.5) or Type 99 Sniper Scope (x4.0)

Sniper rifle variant of Type 99 Rifle. Compare to Type 99 Short rifle, velocity is increased.
Of the Type 99 series, most of the production is short version, so the long version sniper rifle type is very rare.
It will be suitable for premium sniper rifle squad.

Sub Machine Gun

Bergman-type Automatic Pistol (MP18) / ベ式自動拳銃

  • Type: Submachine gun
  • Caliber: 7.65 mm
  • Ammo: 7.65×21mm Parabellum
  • Velocity: 380 m/s
  • Fire rate: 350-500 rpm
  • Magazine: 50
  • Weight: 4.18 kg
  • Length: 818 mm
  • Bayonet: 30th Year Type Bayonet

Submachineguns for Japanese navy land forces.
Bergmann MP18 was imported by Japanese Navy since 1931 and used by several SNLFs. Also, Japanese Army was not adopted it, but MP18 was used for reference to develop Type 100 submachinegun.

Bergman-type Automatic Pistol (MP28) / ベ式自動拳銃

  • Type: Submachine gun
  • Caliber: 7.65 mm
  • Ammo: 7.65×21mm Parabellum
  • Velocity: 380 m/s
  • Fire rate: 500-600 rpm
  • Magazine: 50
  • Weight: 4.18 kg
  • Length: 813 mm
  • Bayonet: 30th Year Type Bayonet

This is Haenel MP28. Japanese navy imported this gun for navy land forces and called Bergman-type automatic pistol (ベ式自動拳銃).

Steyr-type Automatic Pistol (S1-100) / ス式自動拳銃

  • Type: Submachine gun
  • Caliber: 7.65 mm
  • Ammo: 7.65×21mm Parabellum
  • Velocity: 380 m/s
  • Fire rate: 500 rpm
  • Magazine: 20
  • Weight: 4.25 kg
  • Length: 850 mm
  • Bayonet: 30th Year Type Bayonet

This is Steyr-Solothurn S1-100, aka MP-34(o). Japanese navy imported this gun for navy land forces and called Steyr-type automatic pistol (ス式自動拳銃).

Type 100 Submachine Gun (Early) / 百式機関短銃(前期型)

  • Type: Submachine gun
  • Caliber: 8 mm
  • Ammo: 8×22mm 14th Year Type Pistol Cartridge
  • Velocity: 334 m/s
  • Fire rate: 450 rpm
  • Magazine: 30
  • Weight: 3.7 kg
  • Length: 872 mm (with bayonet: 1,260 mm)
  • Bayonet: 30th Year Type or Type 2 Bayonet

This is the only submachine gun that was adopted during the war in Japanese army.
Development of Japanese submachine guns was started in 1935. In 1935, Nambu Mk.1 SMG (南部式機関短銃一号) and Nambu Mk.2 SMG (南部式機関短銃二号) was built. Among them, Mk.2 was evolved to Experimental Model 1 SMG (試製一型機関短銃) in 1936 and Experimental Model 2 SMG (試製二型機関短銃) in 1937. As a result of test, Model 2 did not had enough specification, but the performance of Model 1 was good, and they judged that it is adoptable with some improvement.
Experimental Model 3 SMG (試製三型機関短銃) completed 1939 had improvement based on test results. Afterword it took several modifications (Mod.3 Ko / Mod.3 Otsu), and finally it was adopted as Type 100 Submachine Gun in 1941.
Design was affected from Bergman SMGs (MP18/28), but different to them it had long-range sight (1,500m) and bayonets. Early type was produced about 1,000.

Type 100 Submachine Gun (Late) / 百式機関短銃(後期型)

  • Type: Submachine gun
  • Caliber: 8 mm
  • Ammo: 8×22mm 14th Year Type Pistol Cartridge
  • Velocity: 334 m/s
  • Fire rate: 700-800 rpm
  • Magazine: 30
  • Weight: 3.7 kg
  • Length: 872 mm (with bayonet: 1,260 mm)
  • Bayonet: 30th Year Type or Type 2 Bayonet

Late production type of Type 100 SMG omitted rate reducer, simplified bayonet socket, and changed sight etc. By this change, production efficiency and fire rate was increased but quality was deteriorated.
Most of the production was late production type.

Premium SMG

Experimental Model 2 Submachine Gun, Vehicle-Mounted Type / 試製二型機関短銃改良車載型

  • Type: Submachine gun
  • Caliber: 8 mm
  • Ammo: 8×22mm 14th Year Type Pistol Cartridge
  • Velocity: 335 m/s
  • Fire rate: 600 rpm
  • Magazine: 30
  • Weight: 2.9 kg
  • Length: 648 mm
  • Bayonet: foldable spike bayonet (same as Type 44 carbine)

This is a submachine gun for crew of AFVs developed in 1945 because it was smaller than Type 100 SMG. Compare to original, length was shortened and stock was reinforced by steel plates.
Japan was surrendered before it was adopted, but some this guns were captured in Okinawa.


Murata Hunting Gun / 村田式猟銃

  • Type: Bolt-Action Shotgun
  • Caliber: various (Navy commandeered 12 gauge)
  • Magazine: 1 (not exist)
  • Weight: 4.6 kg (13th Year Type Rifle)
  • Length: 1,294 mm (13th Year Type Rifle)
  • Bayonet: removed

After various Murata rifles were retired, they are modified to shotgun and sold to civilians. Also, some manufactures built shotguns with license of Murata.
In 1930-40s, Murata hunting gun was the most popular shotgun in Japan.
During WW2, Japanese navy commandeered various hunting rifles(=shotgun) as a substitute for a rifles. Additionally, for the battle of mainland of Japan, home guards will be used it, too.

For game, modified version of 13th Year Type Rifle will be suitable for game.

Browning Auto-5

  • Type: Semi-Auto Shotgun
  • Caliber: 12, 16, 20 gauge (Navy commandeered 12 gauge)
  • Magazine: 5
  • Weight: 4.1 kg
  • Length: 1,270 mm
  • Bayonet: N/A

Browning Auto-5 was the most popular semi-auto shotgun in Japan.
During WW2, Japanese navy commandeered various shotguns as a substitute for a rifles. A significant proportion of them were semi-automatic shotguns.

Light Machine Gun

Different to other countries, all Japanese light machine guns had a bayonet. Perhaps it will be advantage in the game.

11th Year Type Light Machine Gun / 十一年式軽機関銃

  • Type: Light machine gun
  • Caliber: 6.5 mm
  • Ammo: 6.5x50mmSR, Type 38 cartridge, Decreased Powder
  • Velocity: 736 m/s
  • Fire rate: 500 rpm
  • Magazine: 30
  • Weight: 10.2 kg
  • Length: 1,100 mm
  • Bayonet: 30th Year Type bayonet

This is the first light machine gun adopted by Japanese army.

Type 96 Light Machine Gun / 九六式軽機関銃

  • Type: Light machine gun
  • Caliber: 6.5 mm
  • Ammo: 6.5x50mmSR, Type 38 cartridge
  • Velocity: 735 m/s
  • Fire rate: 550 rpm
  • Magazine: 30
  • Weight: 10.2 kg
  • Length: 1,075 mm
  • Bayonet: 30th Year Type bayonet

This is a successor of 11th Year Type LMG. The defect of the predecessor has been improved and the reliability has been improved.

Type 99 Light Machine Gun / 九九式軽機関銃

  • Type: Light machine gun
  • Caliber: 7.7 mm
  • Ammo: 7.7x58mmR, Type 99 cartridge
  • Velocity: 670 - 715m/s
  • Fire rate: 700 - 800 rpm
  • Magazine: 30
  • Weight: 11.4 kg
  • Length: 1,190 mm
  • Bayonet: 30th Year Type bayonet

This is a successor of Type 96 LMG. Caliber was expanded to 7.7 mm and fire power was increased.


14th Year Type Pistol / 十四年式拳銃

  • Type: Semi-Auto Pistol
  • Caliber: 8 mm
  • Ammo: 8×22mm 14th Year Type Pistol Cartridge
  • Velocity: 325 m/s
  • Magazine: 8
  • Weight: 890 g
  • Length: 230 mm

Japanese army’s standard pistol during the Asia-Pacific War. It was equipped by gunner of machine guns, military police, tank crew, bike driver, pilot and paratrooper etc.
It was based upon Nambu Large Pistol (Otsu). It was adopted by Japanese navy in 1924, and Army adopted it with improvement in 1925 as 14th Year Type.

Type 94 Pistol / 九四式拳銃

  • Type: Semi-Auto Pistol
  • Caliber: 8 mm
  • Ammo: 8×22mm 14th Year Type Pistol Cartridge
  • Velocity: 284 m/s
  • Magazine: 6
  • Weight: 720 g
  • Length: 187 mm

This is a pistol for officers. In Japan, officer’s pistol was supposed to be procured at your own expense. Because of it, they used dozens of various pistols: FN Browning M1910, Colt M1903, Luger P08, Mauser C96, Bergmann, Astra, Union, Star, Bayard, Simson, Danton, Continental, Regina, Vickers, Mannlicher, Hino, Hamada Type 1, Inagaki etc. This occurred heavy burden on the logistics, so Japanese tried to unify officer pistol and they developed Type 94 Pistol.
For uses of officers, it had very small size. It was preferable for not only officers but also tank crew, pilots and paratroopers so they also used this pistol.

Type 2 Pistol / 二式拳銃

  • Type: Semi-Auto Pistol
  • Caliber: 8 mm
  • Ammo: 8×22mm 14th Year Type Pistol Cartridge
  • Velocity: no data
  • Magazine: 6
  • Weight: no data
  • Length: 176.5 mm

It was the last Japanese pistol adopted by Japanese army. It was based upon Hamada Type 1 Pistol (sold for civilians and officers).
This pistol was developed for officers because the start of war, import of pistols from America and Europa were stopped. Different to Hamada Type 1, ammunition was changed from .32ACP to 8x22mm 14th Year Type pistol cartridge.
It was adopted in October 12, 1943 and deployed for officers and paratroopers.

Type 4 Double-Barrel Shotgun-Pistol / 四式二連装霞弾拳銃

  • Type: Double-Barrel Shotgun / Pistol
  • Caliber: 12 gauge
  • Velocity: no data
  • Magazine: 2 (no magazine)
  • Weight: 1.3 kg
  • Length: 246 mm

It is very unique handy-size shotgun of the Japanese navy. It was deployed for substitutes of pistol or submachine gun.


Hand Grenade

Type 97 Hand Grenade / 九七式手榴弾

  • Weight: 455 g
  • Explosive: TNT 65 g
  • Fuse delay: 4-5 sec.
    This is popular hand grenade for Japanese army.

Hand Grenade Model 4 / 手榴弾四型

  • Weight: 450 g
  • Explosive: Type 88, 99-130 g
  • Fuse delay: 4-5 sec.

Also known Type 4 Grenade or Ceramic Grenade. It is a fragmentation hand grenade made of ceramics.
This is one of a “last-ditch” weapon made by Japanese navy to cope with metal shortage.

Smoke Grenade

Unfortunately, I can’t find smoke grenade of Japanese Army.
At least, white smoke is listed in Japanese chemical weapon and it was called “White Mk.1 / しろ1号”.
But, according to Japanese cabinet office’s website, “In the disposal of abandoned chemical weapons, smoke agents (white agents / しろ剤) have not been identified as a single weapon, but “Blue-White munitions /あをしろ弾” (manufactured as a mixture with blue agents) have been identified”. (“Blue/あを” = phosgene)

Heavy Weapons

Type 4 7 cm Rocket Cannon / 四式七糎噴進砲

  • Caliber: 74 mm
  • Length: 1.5 m
  • Weight: 8 kg
  • Velocity: 100 m/s
  • Penetration: 80 mm

This is Japanese anti-tank rocket launcher produced since 1944.
About 3,500 launchers are manufactured and deployed in mainland of Japan.

Type 89 Heavy Grenade Launcher / 八九式重擲弾筒

  • Caliber: 50 mm
  • Velocity: - m/s
  • Weight: 4.7 kg
  • Number of shell: 18 ammo per one troop
  • Type 89 HE (range 670 m)
    • Weight: 800 g
    • Explosive: TNT 150g
  • 10th Year Type Grenade (range 200 m)
  • Type 91 Grenade (range 200 m)

Japanese standard light infantry motor/grenade launcher. This gun can use not only 50 mm Type 89 HE but also able to use normal grenades. Normally it was placed on the ground at a fixed firing angle of 45 degrees, but in an emergency it could fire grenades or shells at point targets while braced horizontally against a tree or building.
Grenade squadron consisted with 3 troops. Each troops bring 18 shells, total 54 ammo.

Type 100 Flamethrower

  • Fuel: 26 kg
  • Weight: 21 kg
  • Range: 25 m

This is as Japanese standard flamethrower during WW2.

Armored Vehicles

As well known, Japanese armored vehicles was inferior to American tanks due to weak Japanese industries and undeveloped infrastructure. However, they still had a little better tanks in mainland of Japan for their final battle.

Type 2 Gun Tank “Ho-I” / 二式砲戦車 「ホイ車」

  • Weapon
    • Main gun: Type 99 7.5 cm Tank Gun
    • Machine gun: 7.7 mm Type 97 vehicle-mounted machine gun
  • Length: 5.73 m
  • Width: 2.33 m
  • Height: 2.58 m
  • Weight: 16.7 t
  • Speed: 44 km/h
  • Armor (front / side / back)
    • Hull: 50 mm / 25 mm / 20 mm
    • Turret: 50 mm / 25 mm / 25 mm
  • Penetration (War Thunder’s data) (100 m)
    • Type 95 APHE: 41 mm
    • Type 2 HEAT: 90 mm

This is fire-support tank of the Japanese army. It have a hull same as Type 1 Medium tank and equipped with short-barrel 75 mm tank gun.
It can use Type 2 HEAT shell and it will possible to penetrate American tank’s armor.

Type 3 Gun Tank “Ho-Ni III” / 三式砲戦車 「ホニIII車」

  • Weapon
    • Main gun: Type 3 7.5 cm Tank Gun
    • Machine gun: N/A
  • Length: 5.55 m
  • Width: 2.33 m
  • Height: 2.23 m
  • Weight: 15 t
  • Speed: 38 km/h
  • Armor (front / side / back)
    • Hull: 25 mm / 25 mm / 20 mm
    • Turret: 25 mm / 25 mm / 25 mm
  • Penetration (War Thunder’s data) (100 m)
    • Type 1 APHE: 98 mm

A Japanese SPG with 7.5 cm L/38 tank gun.
Compare to predecessor, Type 1 Gun Tank “Ho-Ni I”, combat room is fully surrounded by armor plate and survivability is increased.
For battle of Japan, this SPG was deployed as substitute of Type 3 Medium Tank “Chi-Nu” in Tank Divisions. Also, there are a plan to deploy them to Separated Self-Propelled Gun Battalions with Type 4 Self-Propelled Gun “Ho-Ro”.

Type 3 Medium Tank “Chi-Nu” / 三式中戦車 「チヌ車」

  • Weapon
    • Main gun: Type 3 7.5 cm Tank Gun
    • Machine gun: 1~2x 7.7 mm Type 97 vehicle-mounted machine gun
  • Length: 5.73 m
  • Width: 2.33 m
  • Height: 2.61 m
  • Weight: 19 t
  • Speed: 38 km/h
  • Armor (front / side / back)
    • Hull: 50 mm / 25 mm / 20 mm
    • Turret: 50 mm / 35 mm / 25 mm
  • Penetration (War Thunder’s data) (100 m)
    • Type 1 APHE: 98 mm

Type 3 Medium Tank “Chi-Nu” is the last mass-produced Japanese tank during the World War Two. Since Pacific War begins, projects of next-gen tank “Chi-To” (1941~ ) and “Chi-Ri” (1943~ ) was started. However, both project was delayed in spite of frontline troops needs decent tank which is able to fought against huge monster, M4 Sherman tanks so they decided to start new project, Chi-Nu. In this project, they used conventional Type 90 Field Gun for the main gun, and it was not optimized for tanks. The project was progressed rapidly, and first prototype was completed in September 1944.
Until the end of war, 166 tanks was completed and deployed to mainland of Japan.

Type 4 Medium Tank “Chi-To” / 四式中戦車 「チト車」

  • Weapon
    • Main gun: Type 5 7.5 cm Tank Gun
    • Machine gun: 1~2x 7.7 mm Type 97 vehicle-mounted machine gun
  • Length: 5.73 m
  • Width: 2.33 m
  • Height: 2.61 m
  • Weight: 19 t
  • Speed: 45 km/h
  • Armor (front / side / back)
    • Hull: 75 mm / 35 mm / 35 mm
    • Turret: 75 mm / 50 mm / 50 mm
  • Penetration (War Thunder’s data) (100 m)
    • Type 1 APHE: 146 mm
    • Type 4 Kou APHE: 148 mm

Type 4 Medium Tank “Chi-To” is Japanese medium tank project started in 1941. By the delay of project and change of requirements, only two prototype was completed until the end of war.
It equipped long-barrel 7.5 cm tank gun based upon captured Bofors 75 mm AA gun in Chinese front. It had excellent performance that was incomparable to that of existing Japanese tank guns.

Type 5 Medium Tank “Chi-Ri” / 四式中戦車 「チリ車」

  • Weapon
    • Main gun: Experimental 7.5 cm Tank Gun
    • Auxiliary gun: Type 1 37 mm Tank Gun
    • Machine gun: 2x 7.7 mm Type 97 vehicle-mounted machine gun
  • Length: 8.47 m
  • Width: 3.07 m
  • Height: 3.05 m
  • Weight: 36 t
  • Speed: 45 km/h
  • Armor (front / side / back)
    • Hull: 75 mm / 35 mm / 35 mm
    • Turret: 75 mm / 50 mm / 50 mm
  • Penetration (War Thunder’s data) (100 m)
    • Type 1 APHE: 146 mm
    • Type 4 Kou APHE: 148 mm

Type 5 Medium Tank “Chi-Ri” is Japanese final medium tank. Project was started since 1943, but at the end of war, only one uncompleted prototype was left. Also, mass-production was cancelled due to there are Chi-To which have similar main gun.
The main gun was similar to Chi-To, but it had semi-auto loader and it will provide more faster reloading speed. Also, it had 37 mm auxiliary gun in the front of hull. 37mm AP cannot penetrate enemy tank, but perhaps it is useful for attack enemy infantry.

Premium Tank

Short 12-cm Self-Propelled Gun / 短十二糎自走砲

  • Weapon
    • Main gun: Short 12 cm Gun
    • Machine gun: uncertain (two mount for 7.7 mm machine guns)
  • Length: 5.55 m
  • Width: 2.33 m
  • Height: 2.23 m
  • Weight: 15 t
  • Speed: 38 km/h
  • Armor (front / side / back)
    • Hull: 25 mm / 25 mm / 20 mm
    • Turret: 32 mm / 25 mm / 25 mm
  • Penetration (War Thunder’s data)
    • Ordinary: 31 mm

Japanese SPG based upon Type 97 medium tank “Chi-Ha” built by Japanese Navy. They called it “十二糎砲戦車/12 cm Gun Tank”. This SPG had 12 cm L/12 cannon for self-defense weapon of cargo ships. This cannon had only HE shell, but its fire power was very high. If you hit the weak points, you can destroy any tank with a single blow in the campaign. Even if you hit the front of M4 tanks, it will take serious damage and combat ability will be greatly reduced.

In Tokyo area, Yokosuka 16th Special Naval Landing Force equipped 10x Short 12cm SPG.

Aircraft (Fighter)

Type 0 Carrier-Based Fighter Model 64 [A6M8] / 零式艦上戦闘機六四型

  • Weapon:
    • MG: 2x Type 99 Mk.2 20 mm machine gun (wing) & 2x Type 3 13.2 mm machine gun (wing)
    • Bomb: 1x250 kg, 1x 500 kg or 4x rockets
  • Engine: Kinsei mod.62, (take off 1,560 hp)
  • Speed: 572.3 km/h

A final production model of the famous “Zero” fighter.
It had heavy weapon, armor and new high-power engine.
Prototypes were completed in April 1945, and production was started in July 1945, but by the end of war production model was not completed.

Type 4 Fighter Model 1 Hei “Hayate” [Ki-84 Hei]/ 四式戦闘機一型丙「疾風」

  • Weapon:
    • MG: 2x Type 2 20 mm autocannon “Ho-5” (nose) & 2x 30 mm “Ho-155-II” autocannon (wing)
    • Bomb: 2x 50 kg or 2x 250 kg
  • Engine: Ha-45-21, (take off 2,000hp)
  • Speed: 660 km/h

It was the best Japanese army’s fighter and called “大東亜決戦機”, meant “Aircraft for the Decisive Battle of Greater East Asia”.
Model Hei is heavy-armed prototype variant to replace two 20 mm cannon of model Otsu to mighty 30 mm cannon.

Aircraft (Attacker)

Ki-102 Otsu / キ102乙

  • Weapon:
    • MG: 2x Type 2 20 mm autocannon “Ho-5” (nose), 1x 57 mm “Ho-401” autocannon (nose) & 1x Type 12.7 mm machine gun “Ho-103” (rear gunner)
    • Bomb: 4x 50 kg or 2x 250 kg
  • Engine: 2x Ha-112-II
  • Speed: 580 km/h

An attacker variant of Ki-102. Because of end of the war, it was not named but probably it will be called Type 5 twin-engine attacker.
It have 2x 20 mm and 1x 57 mm autocannon. They will be very useful to attack ground troops. Additionally, it can equip 2x 250 kg bombs.

Type 4 Heavy Bomber Model 1 Otsu [Ki-67-I Otsu] / 四式重爆撃機一型乙

  • Weapon:
    • MG: 1x 20 mm Ho-5, 3x 12.7 mm Ho-103 single and 1x 12.7 mm Ho-103 twin
    • Bomb: 15x 50 kg, 8x 100 kg, 3x 250 kg or 1x 800 kg
  • Engine: 2x Ha-104
  • Speed: 537 km/h

It is the Japanese last heavy bomber. Japanese classified it as “heavy bomber”, but it should be treated as medium bomber or attacker.
It does not have any fixed machine gun, and defensive weapons are not a good. However it have decent bomb loads as a Japanese bombers and useful for support ground forces.
For game, “8x 100 kg bomb” loadout will be useful.

Kikka Kai / 試製橘花改

  • Weapon:
    • MG: N/A
    • Bomb: 2x 250 kg, 1x 500 kg or 1x 800 kg
  • Engine: 2x Ne-20
  • Speed: 677 km/h

This is Japanese first jet-propelled aircraft. Because of it have very early-era jet engine, it is slower than some reciprocating-engine fighters. However, in spite of gasoline engines for conventional aircrafts require high-grade gasoline, jet engine can use any oil like Pine Oil (松根油) and it was very attractive for Japanese.
It was designed for attack enemy fleet approaching to mainland of Japan.

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By the limit of forum, I couldn’t post lower half of post :frowning:

Allied Forces

Allied forces were planned “Operation Downfall”. This operation was separated to two stages: Operation Olympic (South Kyushu) and Coronet (Kanto).
In the Operation Coronet, US army prepared 3x Marines Divisions, 9x Infantry Divisions and 2x Armored Divisions.
In the plan, they land to Kanto plain from two side: Kujukuri coast (east) and Sagami bay (south).
Nearly 500,000 Purple Heart medals were manufactured in anticipation of huge casualties.

Weapons of Allied Forces

My knowledge about American weapons are limited. If you have additional ideas please post it!


By the lack of full-auto rifle in Japanese, M2 Carbine was omitted.

M1903 Springfield

  • Type: Bolt-Action Rifle
  • Caliber: 7.62 mm
  • Ammo: 7.62x63 mm, .30-06 Springfield
  • Velocity: 823 m/s
  • Magazine: 5
  • Weight: 3.9 kg
  • Length: 1,115 mm
  • Bayonet: M1905 Bayonet

A standard bolt-action rifle of U.S. Army until 1940s.

M1917 Enfield

  • Type: Bolt-Action Rifle
  • Caliber: 7.62 mm
  • Ammo: 7.62x63 mm, .30-06 Springfield
  • Velocity: 823 m/s
  • Magazine: 6
  • Weight: 4.17 kg
  • Length: 1,175 mm
  • Bayonet: M1917 Bayonet

“American Enfield” rifle manufactured during WW1.
Some of them were used in Pacific Campaign.

M1 Carbine

  • Type: Semi-Auto Rifle
  • Caliber: 7.62 mm
  • Ammo: 7.62x33 mm, .30 Carbine
  • Velocity: 600 m/s
  • Magazine: 15
  • Weight: 2.49 kg
  • Length: 900 mm
  • Bayonet: N/A

A popular semi-auto carbine during WW2.

M1 Garland

  • Type: Semi-Auto Rifle
  • Caliber: 7.62 mm
  • Ammo: 7.62x63 mm, .30-06 Springfield
  • Velocity: 848 m/s
  • Magazine: 8
  • Weight: 4.3 kg
  • Length: 1,108 mm
  • Bayonet: M1905 Bayonet

This is a standard rifle of the U.S. Army during the WW2.

M1941 Johnson Rifle

  • Type: Semi-Auto Rifle
  • Caliber: 7.62 mm
  • Ammo: 7.62x63 mm, .30-06 Springfield
  • Velocity: 866 m/s
  • Magazine: 10
  • Weight: 4.31 kg
  • Length: 1,165 mm
  • Bayonet: Spike Bayonet

This is American semi-automatic rifle developed in 1939. Different to M1 Garland it was not adopted by U.S. Army, but at the Pacific Campaign this rifle was operated by Marines and used in the battle with the Japanese army.

Rifle Grenade

M1 Carbine with M8 grenade launcher

  • Type: Semi-Auto Rifle
  • Caliber: 7.62 mm
  • Ammo: 7.62x33 mm, .30 Carbine
  • Velocity: 600 m/s
  • Magazine: 15
  • Weight: 2.49 kg
  • Length: 900 mm
  • Grenade: M17 Fragmentation grenade, M9 Anti-armor grenade and M22 smoke grenade

M8 grenade launcher is variant of M7 grenade launcher for M1 Garland.

Sniper Rifle

M1903A1 Springfield

  • Type: Bolt-Action Rifle
  • Caliber: 7.62 mm
  • Ammo: 7.62x63 mm, .30-06 Springfield
  • Velocity: 823 m/s
  • Magazine: 5
  • Weight: 3.9 kg
  • Length: 1,115 mm
  • Scope:

Sniper M1 Garland

  • Type: Semi-Auto Rifle
  • Caliber: 7.62 mm
  • Ammo: 7.62x63 mm, .30-06 Springfield
  • Velocity: 848 m/s
  • Magazine: 8
  • Weight: 4.3 kg
  • Length: 1,108 mm
  • Scope:

Submachine Gun

M3 Submachine Gun

  • Type: Submachine gun
  • Caliber: 11.43 mm
  • Ammo: 11.43x23mm .45 ACP
  • Velocity: 265 m/s
  • Fire rate: 430-440 rpm
  • Magazine: 30
  • Weight: 3.7 kg
  • Length: 570 mm
  • Bayonet: N/A

Successor of Thompson submachine gun.

M3A1 Submachine Gun

  • Type: Submachine gun
  • Caliber: 11.43 mm
  • Ammo: 11.43x23mm .45 ACP
  • Velocity: 265 m/s
  • Fire rate: 470 rpm
  • Magazine: 30
  • Weight: 4.0 kg
  • Length: 570 mm
  • Bayonet: N/A

Improved variant of M3 SMG.

M50 Reising

  • Type: Submachine gun
  • Caliber: 11.43 mm
  • Ammo: 11.43x23mm .45 ACP
  • Velocity: 280 m/s
  • Fire rate: 550 rpm
  • Magazine: 12 / 20
  • Weight: 3.1 kg
  • Length: 895 mm
  • Bayonet: N/A

A submachine gun for a substitute of Thompson SMG used by Marines at Pacific Campaign.

M1 Thompson (with 20 ammo magazine)

  • Type: Submachine gun
  • Caliber: 11.43 mm
  • Ammo: 11.43x23mm .45 ACP
  • Velocity: 280 m/s
  • Fire rate: 600-700 rpm
  • Magazine: 20
  • Weight: 4.5 kg
  • Length: 267 mm
  • Bayonet: N/A

A popular submachine gun during WW2.

M1A1 Thompson (with 30 ammo magazine)

  • Type: Submachine gun
  • Caliber: 11.43 mm
  • Ammo: 11.43x23mm .45 ACP
  • Velocity: 280 m/s
  • Fire rate: 600-700 rpm
  • Magazine: 30
  • Weight: 4.5 kg
  • Length: 267 mm
  • Bayonet: N/A

A popular submachine gun during WW2.

United Defense M42

  • Type: Submachine gun
  • Caliber: 9mm
  • Ammo: 9x19 mm Parabellum
  • Velocity: 335.3 m/s
  • Fire rate: 700 rpm
  • Magazine: 25
  • Weight: 4.54 kg
  • Length: 820 mm
  • Bayonet: N/A

This submachine gun was supplied for resistances. At pacific campaign, Chinese National Revolutionary Army and Philippines Army also used it.


Winchester Model 12 “Trench gun”

  • Type: Pump action Shotgun
  • Caliber: 12, 16, 20, 28 gauge
  • Magazine: 6
  • Weight: - kg
  • Length: 1,270 mm
  • Bayonet: M1917 Bayonet

This is American military shotgun used by U.S. Marines. Shotgun was useful for jungle warfare.

Light Machine Gun

Browning M1918A1

  • Type: Automatic Rifle / Light machine gun
  • Caliber: 7.7 mm
  • Ammo: 7.62x63 mm, .30-06 Springfield
  • Velocity: 830 m/s
  • Fire rate: 500-650 rpm
  • Magazine: 20
  • Weight: 8.4 kg
  • Length: 1,214 mm
  • Bayonet: N/A

This is automatic rifle designed by Browning in 1910s.
During the WW2 it was used as a light machine gun.

Browning M1918A2

  • Type: Automatic Rifle / Light machine gun
  • Caliber: 7.7 mm
  • Ammo: 7.62x63 mm, .30-06 Springfield
  • Velocity: 830 m/s
  • Fire rate: 500-650 rpm
  • Magazine: 20
  • Weight: 8.8 kg
  • Length: 1,214 mm
  • Bayonet: N/A

This is automatic rifle designed by Browning in 1910s.
During the WW2 it was used as a light machine gun.

Johnson M1941 machine gun

  • Type: Light machine gun
  • Caliber: 7.7 mm
  • Ammo: 7.62x63 mm, .30-06 Springfield
  • Velocity: 853.6 m/s
  • Fire rate: 300-900 rpm
  • Magazine: 20
  • Weight: 5.9 kg
  • Length: 1,100 mm
  • Bayonet: N/A

It is light machine gun designed in the late 1930s by Melvin Johnson. Some guns were used by Marine corps and special forces.


M1903 Colt

  • Type: Semi-Auto Pistol
  • Caliber: 7.62 mm
  • Ammo: 7.62x17mmSR Browning
  • Velocity: - m/s
  • Magazine: 8
  • Weight: 680 g
  • Length: 180 mm

American small handgun designed by John Browning.
During WW2, it was used by officers, pilots and spies.

M1911A1 Colt

  • Type: Semi-Auto Pistol
  • Caliber: 11.43 mm
  • Ammo: 11.43x23mm .45 ACP
  • Velocity: 253 m/s
  • Magazine: 7
  • Weight: 1,100 g
  • Length: 216 mm

Standard service pistol of the U.S. Army during WW2.

Hand Grenade

Mk2 Grenade

  • Weight: 600 g
  • Fuse delay: 4-5 sec

A standard hand grenade of United States.

AN-M8 smoke grenade

Smoke grenade for US army.

Heavy Weapons

M1A1 Bazooka

  • Caliber: 60 mm
  • Length: 1,370 mm
  • Weight: 6.0 kg
  • Velocity: 91 m/s
  • Penetration: 76-89 mm

M1A1 Bazooka is improved model of M1 Bazooka produced since May 1943.

M2 mortar

  • Caliber: 60 mm
  • Velocity: 158 m/s
  • Weight: 19 kg
  • M49A2 HE
    • Weight: 1.2 kg

American light infantry mortar used during WW2.

M2 Flamethrower

  • Fuel: 28 kg
  • Weight: 19 kg
  • Range: 33 m

American standard flamethrower during WW2.
It was very effective weapon to attack Japanese cave fortification.

Armored Vehicles


  • Weapon
    • Main gun: 75 mm M2 Howitzer
    • Machine gun: 1x 12.7 mm M2HB machine gun, 1x 7.62 mm M1919A4 machine gun
  • Length: 7.95 m
  • Width: 3.25 m
  • Weight: 14.9 t
  • Speed: 56 km/h
  • Armor (front / side / back)
    • Hull: 12 mm / 6 mm / 6 mm
    • Turret: 37.5 mm / 25 mm / 32 mm
  • Penetration (War Thunder’s data) (100 m)
    • M66 HEAT: 89 mm

Improved variant of LVT(A)-4 with motorized turret drive and gun stabilizers. Also, front of the hull was modified to equip machine gun.
It have very thin hull armor, but by its large body it has relatively high protection against HEAT.

M24 Chaffee

  • Weapon
    • Main gun: Type 99 7.5 cm Tank Gun
    • Machine gun: 7.7 mm Type 97 vehicle-mounted machine gun
  • Length: 5.56 m
  • Width: 3 m
  • Height: 2.77 m
  • Weight: 18.4 t
  • Speed: 56 km/h
  • Armor (front / side / back)
    • Hull: 25 mm / 19 mm / 10 mm
    • Turret: 38 mm / 25 mm / 25 mm
  • Penetration (War Thunder’s data) (100 m)
    • M72 shot: 88 mm
    • M61 shot: 101 mm

M24 Chaffee is American light tank used since 1944. During occupation of Japan, US army mainly used this tank because this vehicle was very fit for Japanese terrible road infrastructures: only 1.5% of roads were paved in 1952! (Wikipedia says 14% of roads were paved in 1952, but it’s a data of national highways)

M4A3 (105) Sherman

  • Weapon
    • Main gun: 105 mm M4 Howitzer
    • Machine gun: 1x 7.62mm M1919A4 machine gun
  • Length: 5.84 m
  • Width: 2.62 m
  • Height: 2.67 m
  • Weight: 32.7 t
  • Speed: 48 km/h
  • Armor (front / side / back)
    • Hull: 63 mm / 38 mm / 38 mm
    • Turret: 76 mm / 51 mm / 51 mm
  • Penetration (War Thunder’s data) (100 m)
    • M72 shot: 88 mm
    • M61 shot: 101 mm
    • T45 Shot: 135 mm

M4A3 (105) is “assault gun” version of M4A3 tank for a fire support. In Pacific Campaign, it was operated by Army and see battle in Philippine and Okinawa.
Looking around the photos, they seems to be removed M2HB machine gun.

M4A2 Sherman

  • Weapon
    • Main gun: 75mm M3 cannon
    • Machine gun: 1x 7.62mm M1919A4 machine gun
  • Length: 5.84 m
  • Width: 2.62 m
  • Height: 2.67 m
  • Weight: 32.7 t
  • Speed: 48 km/h
  • Armor (front / side / back)
    • Hull: 63 mm / 38 mm / 38 mm
    • Turret: 76 mm / 51 mm / 51 mm
  • Penetration (War Thunder’s data) (100 m)
    • M72 shot: 88 mm
    • M61 shot: 101 mm
    • T45 Shot: 135 mm

At the pacific campaign, M4 Sherman was terrible enemy for Japanese. It was called the “moving fortress” and was feared by Japanese troops.
In Pacific, some M4 tanks equipped spikes on top board or add concrete on side armor to improve protection.
Also, In addition, the M2HB machine gun was often removed because often the Japanese soldiers who jumped on it would shoot and killing the surrounding American soldiers.

Example: photo of M4 in Iwojima

M26 Pershing

  • Weapon
    • Main gun: 90 mm M3 cannon
    • Machine gun: 1x 7.62mm M1919A4 machine gun, 1x 12.7 mm M2HB machine gun
  • Length: 8.65 m
  • Width: 3.51 m
  • Height: 2.78 m
  • Weight: 41.6 t
  • Speed: 40 km/h
  • Armor (front / side / back)
    • Hull: 101 mm / 76 mm / 51 mm
    • Turret: 101 mm / 76 mm / 76 mm
  • Penetration (War Thunder’s data) (100 m)
    • T33 AP: 188 mm
    • M82 APCBC: 164 mm
    • M304 APCR: 260 mm

The ambush of the Japanese anti-tank gun caused a lot of damage to the shaman, so M26 Pershing was planned to be introduced in the battle of Japan.
Japanese intelligence called this vehicle as “M1 heavy tank”. They misunderstand that this tank see service in Iwojima and Okinawa, and they urgently notified the entire army of how to destroy this tank. They thought thickness of front armor reaches 200-240 mm, equipped with 105 mm cannon and multiple machine guns so they planned to use heavy cannon or anti-aircraft gun to attack it or hold a bomb and do a suicide attack.

Aircrafts (Fighter)


  • Weapon:
    • MG: 4x 20 mm AN/M3 cannon
    • Bomb: 4x 250lbs & 2x 500lbs / 2x 1000 lbs / 8x HVAR rocket
  • Engine: P&W R-2800-42w (take off 2,800 hp)
  • Speed: 697 km/h

F4U-4B is modified version of F4U-4 with improved engine and weapons.


  • Weapon:
    • MG: 4x 20 mm AN/M3 cannon
    • Bomb: 2x Tiny Tim rocket / 4x HVAR rocket & 2x 1,000 lbs / 2x 1000 lbs & 1x 500 lbs
  • Engine: P&W R-2800-34w (take off 2,100 hp)
  • Speed: 708 km/h

One of the best carrier-based fighter during WW2. Max speed reaches over 700 km/h and turning rate is superior to the Zero fighter.

Aircrafts (Attacker)


  • Weapon:
    • Fixed MG: 14x 12.7 mm Browning
    • Frexible MG: 2x 12.7 mm twin
    • Bomb: 16x 100 lbs / 12x 250 lbs / 10x 500 lbs / 4x 1000 lbs / 14x HVAR
  • Engine: P&W R-2800-79 (2,000 hp)
  • Speed: 322 km/h

A-26 “Invader” was American bomber used during WW2. In Pacific campaign, it was used for bombing at Kyushu (mainland of Japan).
It have powerful 14x 12.7 mm machine guns to attack front.


  • Weapon:
    • Fixed MG: 1x 75 mm T13E1 cannon, 8x 12.7 mm Browning
    • Frexible MG: 2x 12.7 mm single, 2x 12.7 mm twin
    • Bomb: 12x 100 lbs / 8x 250 lbs / 4x 500 lbs
  • Engine: Wright R-2600-13/-29 (1,700 hp)
  • Speed: 483 km/h

A variant of B-25 for Marine corps. It have not only bombs but also 75 mm cannon and 8x 12.7 mm machine guns to attack ground targets.

F-82E Twin Mustang

  • Weapon:
    • MG: 6x 12.7 mm M3 Browning
    • Bomb: 2x 500 lbs / 2x 1000 lbs / 2x 2000 lbs / 10x HVAR
  • Engine: WrightAllison V-1710-143/145 (1,325 hp)
  • Speed: 742 km/h

This is a twin-engine long-range escort fighter used during WW2.

Thank you for reading! If you have additional idea, let’s discuss it here!


1946? so post ww2?

Ok, for real tho. Nice job making this suggestion, it’s very through.
But, beside the bombing of Tokyo, did battle of Tokyo really happened? I mean, the one where soldier from both side fight each other.

My suggestion, why not just make Pacific campaign as one campaign with many maps, such as in Iwo jima or Okinawa. both of them sort of in the end of WW2 right? in Feb-June 1945. I think they can already include last ditch weapon.


I appreciate your hard work in writing this, but no, we are here to play ww2 and historical battles that actually happened.

Also, I think that focusing too much about balancing the factions could totally ruin this game’s immersivity…

Hm Alternative campaigns… interesting.
Although I would prefer a Operation Unthinkable scenario.

Unfortunately, most of “last-ditch” weapons were kept in mainland of Japan for the planned last battle :frowning: Well, at least it is WW2 battle: allied forces planned landing operation to Tokyo, and Japanese prepared for it.

Although, some experimental weapons were sent to Okinawa etc, but problem of semi-auto rifle, AFVs and anti-tank weapons are serious. Allied forces have huge M4 tank and excellent anti-tank weapon like Bazooka, but Japanese have only Chi-Ha and Ha-Go. While Japanese tanks are difficult to penetrate even from the side of the enemy, American tank guns can unilaterally destroy Japanese tanks from any distance. In particular, the Ha-Go and other light armored vehicles will be able to defeat even the M2HB. Also, in case of anti-tank weapon, Japanese have only 47 mm anti-tank gun, magnetic mine and anti-tank rifle grenade. (Lunge mine is almost suicide weapon) And, Japanese frontline troops never received semi-auto rifles…

Even without reading it, it took me a minute to scroll through.
There is no point in making new campaigns - online divides too much.

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You’re an extremely thorough fellow, kudos for that.

But a “what if” imaginary battle probably wouldn’t work in Enlisted. There’s already such an uproar about tanks that weren’t here historically (jumbo), or weapons.

I understand the reason you wrote all of this is you believe Japanese weapons/equipment are inadequate vs usa. To this I have two answers:

First - don’t worry, from what we have seen, the devs already add equipment that wasn’t present in battle historically (like with jumbo) so the same could be done for the Japaneses.
Second - I’ve seen perfectly balanced campaigns of Japaneses vs usa in the form of RO rising storm. Usa DID have superior equipment, but the devs gave special mechanics for the Japaneses to compensate. It was a masterpiece.

The Japanese are probably technologically (if they ever will be) the most underdeveloped.

We don’t need more campaigns. Try to find lone fighters game with even 75% real players…

Well, i wrote it because I’ve hear opinion of player who want to play late-war Japanese campaign
To be honesty, in currently game system, if using “historic” data, I think it is difficult to see balanced game.

Personally I want to see Chino-Japanese war campaigns… its unique and have a balanced weapons. Above all, it ’s very fresh because neither army is in Europe.

If anyone wants an urban map for Pacific, then Manila would be the ticket.

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The campaign proposals and weapon proposals for the Pacific Front are good, but they must be done in a realistic setting, such as Iwo Jima or Guadalcanal, not the Tokyo battlefield.

However, Tokyo battlefield may be available as a background when there are no maps to be updated in the future.

Sagami Bay…that’s where my grandfather was deployed.
They were mostly young men in their twenties or younger. They were equipped only with packing explosives called “futon bombs”.

If we’re doing Mainland Kessen/Operation Downfall, would it be unreasonable to ask for items such as the bamboo catapults?

katapa (1)

They also had matchlock guns and bamboo anti-air missiles planned too!



I knew it, but I didn’t included them because they are too weak.
Also, matchlock guns were deployed for militia, not regular army. Coastal garrisons would equip simplified bolt-action rifle “Simple Rifle” and other several rifles.

Although, bamboo weapons will be interesting. Anti-aircraft rocket bamboo seems ridiculous and explosive anti-personal / anti-tank bamboo spears will not be fit to game, but normal bamboo spear can be melee weapon.

There can also be useful weapons, such as improvised bamboo mortars reinforced with rope:


If not bamboo, wood/bamboo rifle grenade launchers could also be an option:

(Top: Type 99 simplified grenade launcher model Ko, Bottom: Type 97 simplified grenade launcher)

Improvised bamboo panzerfausts:


and based on how most people like to blow themselves up with AT explosives in the game already, I think a explosives on a stick isn’t too ridiculous


Bows would also be a good option to expand some ranged capability (developed by the Japanese Army 1945)

(Simple Throwing Device Bow Ko/Otsu)

(Simple Throwing Device Crossbow Ko/Otsu)

(Experimental Compound Crossbow)


Explosive tipped arrows

Based on how we have Volkssturm units in the game already, it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary to have Kokumin Giyuutai (civilian militia units) for squads


While unconventional, I think this will add another layer of interesting weapons/playstyle to the game if the map allows these weapons to be used effectively - maybe even give the Japanese these weapons in secondary or non-primary slots

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I think such weapons are very interesting, but to be honesty they don’t suitable for game.
At most, bows will be secondary weapon for infantry.

By the way, this photo is not a militia, just martial arts class at school in 1944.

You are right, looks like Mainichi’s archives are mislabeled for that image, here’s a relevant image of Shizuoka militia instead (civilian militia units would likely be based on period attire akin to civil defense units that are well documented in history for mainland defense anyways)


Bamboo panzerfausts would probably make for a decent Tier I anti tank unlock (considering the charges inside are actual shaped charges)

Other last ditch equivalents such as the wood rifle grenades would be a good change in weapon models to distinguish the weapons from other Pacific Campaigns

Potentially “useless” items such as the bamboo mortars, crude single shot guns, etc, if unsuitable for gameplay can always be reconsidered as a fun event item that doesn’t impede the tree progression.

Don’t know if Gaijin would care for different engineer assets but being able to construct this tank trap for the engineer classes would be amazing


Sorry, wrong image on the tank trap
