Suggestion for japanese SMG in future campaign

Yes and they were executed for it, by America

I had no idea IRL battle pass tasks were a thing back in WWII

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they were quite big thing in china

The type 100 had 3 prototypes: type 1, type 2 and type 3. Type 3 became what we know type 100, but both type 1 and 2 were rejected. It is true that some of them were used in frontline, but the quantity was small and it never mass-produced. As i mentionned earlier, i want to avoid as possible as prototypes and copy paste, and these two gun were prototyoe so i don’t want to be in unlockable weapon. However, it would be great for weapon gold order tho.

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Here is the thing though. The US is also going to get cut and paste SMGs too, with the only real potentially “new” item they can get being the Browining Auto 5. Honestly, having to use the export SMGs isn’t that big of a deal, as most of the ones the Japanese did use appear in the game with the same frequency as the Thompsons, or haven’t even been added to the game yet.

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As for the Type 100, I’m talking about two production variants: standard (Type 100/1) and simplified (Type 100/2). The simplified variant had its rate reducer removed and thus had about twice the fire rate. So in game it would actually make a big difference.

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Ok ok, i see. It would be nice to add that too. I also found a paratrooper version, but a don’t think there is a significant difference except the folding stock.

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Yea, this would probably be too similar to the regular one. Maybe for some premium paratrooper squad, but probably not for the regular progression.

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Because American will get copy paste weapons Japan also should get copy paste weapons? what kind of argument is that? It’s just Argumentum ad antiquitatem. Americans are presents in two already existing campaign and it is unavoidable to not have copy paste. But Japaneses are firstly adding in game and i think Darkflow can avoid copy paste. I don’t know how much you tolerate to copy paste weapon but i don’t want this game to be mundane. I want new experience. Not same gun all over the campaign. Grinding for a weapon that i already used hundred times in other campaign is just decouraging.

The thing is, the devs won’t avoid copy paste guns, just look at Tunisia. The Italians had a whole hell of a lot of diffrent SMGs, and the devs still felt the need to add the MP 40. Whatever Japanese campaign we get, we will get imported SMGs, as it is the only way to balance the campaigns to the devs likings.

sadly yes, that’s what we have in reality… and that’s why i’m writing my opinion in forum so by the chance they see this one day and change their mind…

I doubt you will be able to change the devs mind, but you can try.

In my opinion, we can secure a sufficient number with unique mass-produced ones instead of copy paste.
In addition, Japanese also have lots of experimental weapons which is suitable for battle-pass. I think it is enough.


Type 100 Submachine Gun
As some people have pointed out, this machine gun is separated to several types.

  • Type 100 Submachine Gun/Early (1942 model)
    • Initial production model. Early models were equipped with a fire rate reducer and RoF was limited to 450rpm.
    • Approximately 1,000 were produced. Most of them are thought to have sunk during transportation, but some guns arrived to battlefields.
  • Type 100 Submachine Gun/Late (1944 model)
    • Late production model. To improve productivity, they omitted rate reducer and Rof was reached to 700-800 rpm.
    • In addition there are some differences which will not affect much in game.
      • 1,500 m range tangent site was removed. Instead of it, 100 m peep sight and 200 m v-notch sight is installed.
      • Bayonet socket was changed. A rod is removed and a protrusion for attaching the bayonet was attached directly to the barrel.
  • Type 100 Submachine Gun Special Model
    • Naval model. For purpose of naval paratroopers, stock folding mechanism was installed. Others are basis on early (1942) model.


Some people seems to be believe they are “copy & paste” of German. However, actually Japanese models have several unique designs different to German.
Those submachine gun were used by Japanese navy landing force and garrisons since 1920s. Navy landing forces and garrisons fought in Chinese coastal cities and naval bases on Pacific islands.

SIG-Bergmann M1920 (“MP18/20”)

  • Difference from in-game MP18 and MP28:
    • Ammunition is 7.63x25mm Mauser. (In-game: 9x19mm)
    • Magazine capacity is 50 rounds.
    • Equipped with bayonet (30th Year Type bayonet)

Steyr-Solothurn S1-100 (MP34o)

  • Difference from in-game MP34(o):
    • Ammunition is 7.63x25mm Mauser. (In-game: 9x19mm)
    • Magazine capacity is 30 rounds. (In-game: 32 rounds)
    • Equipped with bayonet (30th Year Type bayonet)

Since in Tunisia Allies unlock Thompson rather early compared to the awful long grind required to get it in Normandy, I suspect that was a deliberate choice to attract more Allied fans to Tunisia.

Hence, I suspect that the Pacific campaign may for the same reason feature a drum fed Thompson as a novelty, possibly as mid-tier unlock already.