Suggestion: fixing bug that preclude a nice flow of action for infantry + feature

My biggest 4 issue right now:

1- Ap mine bug AP mine bug (Xbox )
2- Grenade spam bug( new bug i think) when you try to spam grenade the 3° get bugged and or you throw it two times( so you have 4 grenade) or nothing come out of your hand and you need to rethrow it
3- AT launcher hit box inside houses Very nice
4- IA pathfind to reach the objective ( Catastrophic in Normandy where my bot use the ladder and go on top of the bunker every time)

-Let us choose the fire mode selection for all the squad
-Let us have two different squad set up. One for defensive match on one for attacker. This will make the life of free to play player much nicer and encourage them to max out different squad.
-IA should destroy allies structure that preclude them to reach the objective in a safe way

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not only xbox, pc too // Issues

Sounds like lag to me

The way it is now you have to strategize and make sacrifices. I like that aspect. I need a good general purpose lineup

You have premium or buyed squad slot in the past? Bc 3 infantry slot is very low and don’t give much flexibility. In attack i want 1 engi and 2 assault squad and in defense 1 engi - 1 assault - 1 machine gunner squad. That’s it. Right now i can’t do it and it’s suck, this limitation prevent me from playing more and max out the machine gunner squad.

Sounds like lag to me

Honestly don’t think so, i don’t have other problem of connection.

Nope! Never bought a single slot, and I don’t run Preemie Time. I’m a BP buyer along with the occasional cool Preemie Squad and that’s it
I run MG Squad, Assault Squad, AT Squad, and a plane to deal with gray zone tanks. This is my universal goto regardless of anything else because this set up is perfect for my play style. It works on offense, it works on defense. It just works