Suggestion: Enhancing How We Unlock New Squads

Playing with and helping new players is something I enjoy doing. Walking through the UI however is something that I’ve ended up doing countless times as the in game “instructions” are just absent or insufficient. One of the biggest things I see is:

Not knowing where to unlock certain types of units. They often don’t even know what types of units are available beyond the 4 default of a faction.

Considering units such as Engineers are so important to the game, this is a very bad UI decision that needs to be corrected. Any correction we make however, needs to be in game specifically, as not all will look to figure out things like this.

The current system has us locate the three-silhouette icon on the weapon tree pictures and then select squad to determine what it is, BUT the game does not adequately, if at all, explain what the three silhouette means, and uses essentially the same icon for the friends list.

My idea to make it more visible to what unlocks where is somewhat simple:

Replace the squad icon of 3 silhouettes with the shield with the class icon on the cards. Also, add a tooltip that when you hover over it, it explains what the shield means and what the class is, and a brief class overview). This icon should also be moved and enlarged a bit so that instead of just being in the corner. It sits somewhat overlapping the bottom of the weapon card. Adding a Legend to the screen that indicates that means new squad unlock could also be handy.

From This:

To This:

Tooltip could be simple such as:

This unlock comes with a new squad!

Engineers are able to build structures to support your team. These range from rally points to ammo boxes. Some squads can also be upgraded to allow engineers within them to build gun emplacements.

Secondly, it needs to be more pronounced / added to the existing squad management tutorial … you know the one that basically shows you how to drag a squad over. It should go to the research tree and use tooltips to explain hey this is where you can unlock both weapons and squads, then explain all the types of squads available, or at least show where I can select to find info of each type of squad (again a legend here would be useful … especially if it had a selection option that would ping the closest squad with that class type).