Suggestion for Additional Squad for Japan.
Provisional Reorganized Republic of China Army Squad

India National Army Axis Squad

Burmese Arkan Volunteer Army Squad.

Collaborator Russian Volunteer Former White Army Squad.

Indonesian Hei-ho Volunteer Java Squad

Philippine Makapili or Kalibapi Army Squad

Kingdom of Manchukuo Army Squad

Also, bring back those dudes with the Berthiers for whoever they were with.
Yes, I really want to see these squads in the game.
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A flame tank for Japan perfect premium
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There’s a couple options for that.
Ha-Go with Flamethrower

I think this would be a good addition to the BRI tech tree to folder under the regular Ha-Go, like with the Flamethrower Stuart in the American tree.

Experimental flame tank. Perfect for a premium vehicle.
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