Subtle desertion effect

Anyone notice this? As someone who rarely deserts, I find this hysterical. Thanks, DF! :smiley:

You asked for no penalty, and you got it. I’d call this a “disincentive”. Heh.

Limited to random players?

Yeah, it’s pathetic punishment. It’s definitely not going to stop deserters from deserting. But still better than nothing.


It’s a safeguard so ppl don’t use join random to get the bonus and then desert untill they get their desired faction. Makes complete sense to have.


This is good
Allow players to stay away from the sea of insects and modes they don’t like.

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when y play the game your intention is not to join any game, after struggling a horrific tech tree you do not switch armies nor br, it is just a show that there are not enough players to fill up the game. Desertion stays the wisest decision when y have 8 out of 10 matches seriously unbalanced…It gets boring and annoying.

Yeah, it does make sense. I certainly wouldn’t mind if they continued to offer incentives or penalties for deserting.

But, who knows, maybe with the bonus from randomization, it may help even out the playing field over time. Less dependency on memes. If we’re really lucky, less bots as well. In the longer term, as more players learn more of the maps (from both sides) their play will improve as well.

But, I’m not sure if anything will ever get people to drop rally points. /smh

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Side note also - noticed in the notes today that they added back the higher experience rewards for repairs for tanks.

For those crazy bastards like me who roll tanks right into the thick of things (ish) - I love this. I also like to carry the occasional repair kit around and risk some bonus xp. I still did it some just to help the team (especially with a tank that approaches the point) but having the bonus xp gives it a lot more incentive.

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