Su85 BR4 as hardly used (Corrected! Jagdpanzer IV already BR4), just Soviet TD

As per title TD are rarely used, tanks have turrets so are more popular, Su85, Jappanzer are not OP, similar really to Pz4, Soviet equivalent.

Feel frr to discuss below, keep it civil please


Panthers would be fine against SU-85, but Japanese Chi-Nu would be too weak, if we get Soviet vs Japan that is.
Jagdpanther depends… I don’t know if US 76mm can penetrate it frontally, but it would be kinda pay 2 win tbh which is toxic so its best to keep it on BR5.

US could get M36 Jackson and Japan another Ho-Ri for premium, than all factions would have a premium heavy TD on BR5, no need to thank me.

Sorry maybe you mistaken I mean the event TD, it had sandbags all over it, not the premium tank destroyer for axis.

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Thats fair than
My final verdict is that I still wouldn’t use them anyway so I will remain neutral.


Theres not much reason to play any Tank Destroyer as there are often better turreted versions with MGs.

I would think the Tank Destroyers could be available 1 BR lower than their turreted counterparts of the same gun. But that hardly matters at the moment with these mongrel MM queues.

Semovente and Su 76 are good examples. They get bigger/better guns at their BR, but are still rare. Would perhaps be alot better with proper BR -+0


Have you not noticed if you play br4, you don’t always get KT IIs, you sometimes get br4 matches against panzers and panthers.

I know the MM logic and perhaps luck have a lot to do with it but seriously I do find I’m not always matched against BR5.

Plus I like playing with my different toys, ie BR5 predom 2 para line up, Tempest, Firefly. BR4 one Para, jumbo, calliope, A20M8 - I do same for axis too, I would gladly use TDs for something different.


Even playing pure BR5 lineups, KTs definitely aren’t the most common tanks I am encountering. Panthers/Pz IV are way more common.

I must be unlucky. I been playing BR 3 allies this month.

Uptiers i can almost guarantee i will see mostly Ho ris or tiger IIs haha

And yes, i am one of those that has a deck for everything just for the sake of enjoying using them.


There are no other hori, the pre production model was identical to the production model (the in-game current one) as the thing I read about it claim it, the hori 1 and 2, was just drawn on paper and hori 3 was just a wooden model, that’s leave Japanese with just the chiri with 75mm and 105mm cannon for BRV

I have to correct my suggestion, I don’t know when, I am sure I don’t recall TD on either Soviets and axis being BR4, but it appears all Axis TD except premium Japgdpanther (fine as V) are BR4, it is only Soviets that need SU85 as BR4 to balance it off!

No, you are wrong. My favorite JP IV with long 7,5 cm gun is BR5.

But it doesn’t matter, SU-85m should definitely be moved to BR4. Its armor increase definitely isn’t good enough to justify it being at higher BR than classic T-34-85. Its lack of MG is extreme disadvantage for me personally.
Not even mentioning, that clearly better version of it (SU-100) is premium on literally same BR. Which is obviously pay2win.

JP IV (L70) vs Jagdpanther situation isn’t pay 2 win. Since JP IV has several advantages over Jagdpanther.

  1. reverse speed (even more important for TD than for classic tank)
  2. significantly lower silhouette
  3. you can literally buy bushes and cover whole vehicle so from front perspective you are not recognizeable at first glance at all (and you can still keep awesome visibility as both gunner and commander do use periscopes)

Plus currently the L/70 7,5cm gun can easily penetrate any tank it’s going to encounter. 8,8 cm gun is just overkill with worse reload speed.

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I think he is referring to the Ho-Ri prototype in War Thunder.