Hello my friends and compatriots.
I would like to suggest the addition of the Stuka G-1 aircraft to the game.
I wish to see this version of the G-1 with the BK 3.7 (37mm) cannons and have 4 50kg bombs or one 250kg bomb (for balancing). The 3.7cm cannon on the BF110g-2 is a great cannon and it’s unfortunate that it is only equipped on that attack plane. The Stuka was equipped with the BK in most cases on the later models because it was a great air-to-ground offense weapon.
Currently there are 4 variants/versions of the Stuka and each one is different only in small changes or incremental improvements. The Stuka G-1 would be placed at BRIII/IV because it is slow enough to not be OP in the speed department and powerful enough to play against higher BR players and vehicles.
What do you think? I would like to have some discussion about this or debate this suggestion.
I wish to have a creative conversation or discussion about this.
Thank you for your time, see you all on the battlefield!
I would love the stuka g series, But in my opinion there is no way it is BR 3. Stuka is slow.
Im pretty sure this aircraft had no other ordnance except for the cannons, and it has really low ammunition.
Br 2 at max (would be a very weak br 2), more likely BR 1, like the hurricane 40mm. Strictly speaking it would have less potential than the hurricane.
The IL 2 37 at BR 3 has a huge ammount of ammunition, machine guns, armor and decent bombs. Not even close
I say BR 1
Id say let it have the 4 50kg bombs and have it at BR 2,since the hurricane with the 40mm is BR1,a nice compromise for some small bombs
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My problem with that, is you are setting the precedent for “fantasy” ordnance loadouts.
Slowly withering away at the historical that is left.
Only reference I can find of it being able to carry more, Is 2x37mm cannons and 1x1000kg bomb (I dont really see them adding a 1000kg bomb any time soon
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Its already gone at this point,its just historically based,and its not that large of a historical innacuracy compared to things like the AS44.
We already have a Sztuka that has four bombs of 50 kg and one bomb of 250 kg. I specifically want the 3.7 auto cannon.
I have the B-1 in game and it’s great. I’d like to have the G-1 with the BK.
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According to wiki the G-1 retained the ability to carry a 1000kg bombload - it doesn’t specifically say but I assume this would be an either/or setup - bombs OR cannon - not both since the gun pods weighed over 300kg each.
I’ve read elsewhere that it had no dive brakes tho’, so no divebombing.
Of course, I just want to have the gun pods, I only mentioned the bombs just because I know that for a balancing reason people would like them, but I personally just want the G1 with the 3.7, no bombs, because it is the “Tank Buster”that I would love to be playing with. 
Even if they added gun pods to a Gold order version of the Stuka D-5 that is in game I would be satisfied and it would answer my suggestion.
If we are gonna go fantasy, at least go hard. Super Stuka!!!
Dont know what It is but I really like the stuka. I would have been very interested in this one if they continued with it.