Strengthening Japanese individual anti-tank weapons

Currently in the game only Japan has the worst anti-tank weapons

Bazooka got the buff it deserved, but what about Japan?

Has the Japanese faction been forgotten? Because the only new weapon it got recently is a shotgun, but it is the faction with the most problems in the game

Bad tank gunners, low BR planes must take off from aircraft carriers, all attack planes must also take off from aircraft carriers, no BR5 submachine guns

I raised these issues in 2023 but there has been no improvement. I want to comfort myself with the factions being busy with other things, but the other three factions are being updated normally

Does prejudice really not exist?


20mm ATR at BR1


Tokyo Arsenal worth BR5

I always thought Japan should be a low BR faction.
This is what happens when you give them BR5.
They can only look for more rare prototype weapons to fill the Japanese TT.

I mean BR5, what are you talking about?

Check out the changelog, please

So? I mean Japan doesn’t have a BR5 submachine gun, that’s a gap, a gap that needs to be filled

Me too, but low BR still has a lot of problems, BR5 has even more problems, let’s face it

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penetration of the M9 bazooka got buffed from 102 → 127mm


I agree. Type 4 rocket launcher needs a penetration buff. I would suggest to increase it from 80mm to 120mm