Stop with auto killing my entire squad when Im trying to get back into the new zone!

I get that people shouldnt be able to stay in zones which got taken over by enemy. But if I have a bit of trouble with them there, lets say on a top of a tallest building, it can take some time to fight them all off and go to the new point. Sometimes Im even this “lucky” to remain in one place when enemies capture two more points without me being there. Why do I have to get killed after 5 seconds no matter that Im heading there? Why not to let people live as long as they are going to the proper zone? I cant understand it why all multiplayer games must have this stupid mechanic which is penalizing people for not being able to run like a cheetah back where they should be. Yes, the counter should play when I cross the border, but not when Im already there. Atleast give me more time to get back and kill everyone who is making the return difficult…

It’s almost as if the game is telling you to defend your objective instead of hanging around pointlessly killing people that are just spawning in.




If we could just stay where we want no one would play objective

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I dont mean that I want to hang around, but I cant just keep up with the timer too many times. If Im getting closer to the objective, I shouldnt get killed. Easy to code.

HAHAHHAHAHA I hope everyone sees your humoristic talent to post hilarous situational gifs :3

Pin on Patrick Bateman

Read it again please. Im asking just to let me go back to the zone without killing me for being too slow and busy with enemies on the way there.

Or this might be a shocker to you STAY WITH THE DAMN TEAM. Simple right, push with the team then you wont have to worry about the grey zone.

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well you should go to next cap and defend it as soon as first one is taken… not staying in the old area for next minute or two so you can engage enemy.

I agree that the shift in the grey zone (itself already a pretty tedious idea) happens far too quickly on some maps.

It’s really frustrating to exhaust the squad’s stamina rushing forward trying to save the point (exacerbated by people not building rally points), only to then have to about-face and run back over the same ground, with most/all of your squad just getting shot in the back along the way.

The worst is in whatever mode it is - “confrontation”, I think - where there are five caps but instead of moving in one direction like invasion it can go back and forth. If you can take up a dominant position capable of covering two of the points the match keeps see-sawing in between, the thing that should be required to dislodge you from that position is the enemy - not some shifting imaginary line.


NO especially when my actions do push a large amount of them back always

I can be stealthy only if its possible, but if I dont shoot back they will just kill me, so the decision is obvious

Exactly my thoughts!

this is bs. game gives you lot of time to leave the area before it becomes the gray zone. unless you are deliberately hunting for enemies around old cap, you should have time to get to the cap 3-4 times.



Well ok buddy have fun in your own special way while the rest of us play the game as intended.

If it would be enough of time I wouldnt be complaining. But ofc you all know better. After all, the game must be suited to only one playstale which is YOURS

Get killed by artillery strikes and random flamethrowers as intended then.

ffs you have something over 2 minutes to get out of the gray zone. what do you need? 5 minutes? 10 minutes? to move 50 or 100 meters out of the gray zone? when enemy can basically spawn on top of next cap in 20-30 seconds?

so instead of camping in some shit position for sniping where you cant move away to the next zone easily maybe defend your cap? i never had problems with gray zone moving in, unless i was spawn camping enemy on their new spawn.


Fight them all off? Those weren’t your orders. Join your deserter brethren in damnation.


(the gray zone is spawn protection, aggressive commissariat is in place because the alternative is a chaotic mess and not fun)

Sound like you are megacamper

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