Still No Air Spawn for the Japanese in BR I and II, Why?

After all this time, and plenty of IJA options they still have no Air Spawn IJA planes in game yet for BR I and II?

Oscar would be easy to add it would seem.

I kind of get the feeling there to focused on the upper end of the BR class sometimes.

Low BR Japanese planes are all Navy planes, so they start from carriers. Japanese Army planes - as we have in high BR - start in the air. But I understand your point, they have a disadvantage compared to US planes


For that matter, BR3 fighter, when?

What sort of logic is that? If “navy” planes must spawn on carriers, so must regular planes then spawn on airfields.

Either that, or every plane spawns in the air.

Yes, I know… Navy planes in the Pacific- including american ones, such as the AP-1 Avenger or the SBD-3 Dauntless - all start from carriers, while army planes have airstarts. It is inconsequent, as the AP-4C Corsair (a Navy plane) has airstarts when used e.g., in Normandy.

Consequently, Army planes should have to start from airfields. Or they abolish the logic alltogether and have airstarts for all planes, no matter whether they are Army- or Navy planes.

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I think it would be better if they all started in the air no matter what because then you wouldn’t have this situation where you have plans at a disadvantage that are taking off from aircraft carriers, I also think they should have some sort of runway where every plane can land And repair like they do from the aircraft carriers if they want to

This system was okay when everyone had to spawn on the carrier. I understand that they don’t want to just remove the system outright after going through the trouble of implementation, but there is definitely problems that need to be addressed. Planes are all able to spawn immediately at the start of the match instead of waiting 45 seconds, because they originally all had to spawn on the carrier. But now we have airspawn aircraft also spawning as soon as the match starts and rushing to rocket the point before they scatter. Not to mention the gross disparity in airspawn and non-airspawn aircraft in lower BRs. I know I just outright avoid using anything that isn’t an airspawn now that it’s not a level playing field.

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Well of course they’re focused on BR IV/V. Why should Low Tier get any attention? That’s not where the whales are

As I noted before, I really prefer playing the lower battle ratings, And I don’t think it would be a huge hardship for them to throw in an Oscar into the Japanese tech tree.

I don’t think I’m alone in that. I see People often enough with multi year decorations around their name

Oh I know. I’m down there with ya every so often myself. But Low Tier doesn’t make money. High Tier does. So High Tier gets the fun stuff “cause that’s where the money at”

well, what will make more money? Adding stuff to low BR Japan, or another US/USSR/Germany 40 USD premium?

40 USD BR2 japanese premium?
taps head