Hopefully we get the ability to customize the halloween event squads again at some point. Reinhard is getting cold in moscow without his sleeves!
Yeah, plus I don’t like the forced mismatched uniforms.
And even if you’ve customized the squad, they still show up as default on some maps.
Still can’t change the campaigns. Like, c’mon, someone paid to get all of these squads tho. At least, make their squad mates wearing the same theme of uniform would be nice. It’s a shame they can’t especially the Soviet one.
like, 4 worst squads of 2025.
( well, only 3 )
german squad
the german squad comes with this ripped engineer which as much being able to use an engineer with a machinegune is cool, it only has 5 dudes. the other cool thing about this squad, is that you get access to 2 engineers.
although you can’t customize the whole squad or switch presets.
resulting ( as sarabamjoei described, ) in squads not having customizable uniforms at all beside the only screen you can see.
and as said, only 5 members.
japan squad
japan squad is the most optimal one. because it doesn’t have any other campaign for customization.
gets access to 2 at soldiers, but the only downside, it’s the appearance of the saumrau it self and the fact that it’s only made out of 5 members.
us medic squad
this squad, is probably the worst one.
cosmetics are fine as well as the squad composition but that’s about it.
you literally only get access to 1 medic opposed to at least 2.
then you have the
ussr squad
in line to the others, but same cosmetic issues.
and, the reverse problem.
dudes wear winter uniform in berlin too.
i was looking forward to get new squad since those developers were so kind to chopped off most of them after the merge ( like a good 70% ).
but i’m half way to having regretted such decision.
the decal is… alright.
but the bloody skins are kinda ugly.
blood is fine. particularly like the cloth, but the wires onto it, not so much.
like, the HW bp concept it self was cool. new side rewards, some weapons skins, a decal and actual squads. that’s what i loved and would like to see more.
( outside the pay walled 2 whole squads which were behind rng. )
it also kinda highlights the absolute state of enlisted.
release unfinished content and poorly thought out ( because like what in the actual christ. you release squads without even making sure the cosmetics are ready? making sure mr rust or the us and ussr one have changed by default their tunic to fit the enivorement ? ) to be fixed down many months later.
which it’s funny, because when first released you were able to edit outfit of the event soldiers. but apparently when people did so, some of the outfit would disappear and you were not able to put the default tunic. so they just locked it completely.
absolutely unacceptable.
Its funny that the ripped engineer has almost no weapon handling, so despite his muscular appearance he has a lot of trouble holding his gun lol.
i must admit, i didn’t even noticed it
( to be fair… i don’t use perks at all… that’s kinda why. but still )
Yes, it’s shame they overnerfed his unique ability to use MGs this way.
Yeah it such a shame that the Japanese halloween squad doesn’t allow us to change the face of the samurai because right now he have the face of an italian
no. it’s not italian.
the japanese face is an original item specifically designed for that event soldier.
He also has a unique face i think. Too bad the gas mask blocks it and you can’t remove it
Does the face look japanese for you? Because for me even if the label said hero_head_jap_halloween_2024 it still look as an italian face and that what a Japanese face should look
P.S. Sorry for the pixelation the picture was rezised to focus on the face
well ugh… for what is worth,
it doesn’t look italian either
I’d bet money that these squads will never get “fixed”.