Tried it yesterday in live match and it honestly surprised me. The main difference is the feel for me, while I use the bullet trace to see where I’m hitting with mkb42 with stg44 I use the sight thing instead so overall both are decent and it up to the user preference
All high BR sniper weapons are going to be very good. (Since FG is getting fix this update).
Btw I might be misremembering this but why is the sniper mkb have the same rof as stg44 sniper while the assaulter variant mkb have 500 instead of 650?
Bit weird imo
I have never really tried it to be honest. I just prefer to use an MG in my German assaulter squad. For variety’s sake I guess. But I remember playing with the sniper FG-42 II once. It felt great to use.
With the new buff that should arrive next update it should be nice to use probably
Now I’m gonna have 3 sniper with 3 different gun (stg44 mkb42 and fg42 2)
Nice strategy.
Well tbh I like to use all the gun in that br if I can since I’m not a min maxer like those clanny
I am a bit of a ‘meta’ player myself. Though I don’t play in a clan. I think I am some sort of a hybrid in that regard. Lol.
I mean I will admit I do use all my mp717 (11 of them) and tiger 2 h and good stuff but I do put gun that are niche or not meta into my guy too (like Farquhar-hill and bren 100 round)
Problem is I would also like to experiment with non-meta stuff every now and then. But I am a longtime F2P player in this game having access to only 3 infantry squads. If I don’t bring my meta line up especially at BR V I am sure to get slogged.
Yea I understand that I also used to be f2p until the slot sale
Also I only use them on my medal guy since it quite fitting imo
Very nice indeed. I am waiting for the slot sale myself. If my calculations are correct the first slot available for 490 gold will be 50 percent off. So I can buy an extra squad slot for all the factions with 980 gold (245 gold each). Seems like a fair deal to me.