Stg 45M premium squad uniform

Is the squads camouflage pattern supposed to be “Leibermuster (1945)” ?


Because every image and reference i could find shows much darker and frankly better looking colors:





I just purchased the squad on the sale and i really like the pattern but the colors i think are way off and looks kind of goofy and way too bright and orange looking to be a camouflage pattern.

Would love to see an updated Leibermuster uniform for the squad.
And an updated stg too:


Also New Berlin maps remider:

Proper Seelow Heights with trenches
Flooded Subways
Inside the Reichstag
Tempelhof Airport
Berlin Olympiastadion
Berlin Zoo
Berlin Sportpalast
Spree Forest pocket
Battle of Halbe
Beelitz Tunnels/Hospital
Just more generic street/outskirts maps


I feel like these reminders don’t remind the devs for some reason. Is it just me or does the reminder not work?


Looks to me like they based it off of TAZ-83 “Alpenflage” which was a Swiss design based off of Leibermuster camo.


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Me like stand out orange though.


I like the current orange more. I doubt it’s even the same camo you posted to.
The difference is just extreme.

I really hate when some Internet “historians” are trying constantly change stuff I bought. Like we can’t have both version. Like they can’t add new premium squad with camo pattern you have suggested.

So many selfish people.

I’m more concerned with how I’ll never get to use the squad I just bought because they are put into max BR when their weapons are worse than MP-40s.

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How is stg45 worse than mp40? Because it has like 100 lower rof while having way bigger damage per bullet?

Seems like pretty legit opinion lol.

I wouldn’t call 2.6 damage per hit “way more”. And it’s 120 more rof. Even if it was better than the MP-40, which it isn’t, are you really trying to argue that it belongs in max BR?

Idk, I am using 45 since I bought it in Berlin. Never had any problem to face soviets there.
I even remember times when 45 was considered p2w squad.

I really do not get the recent forum hate on this weapon. Came completely out of nowhere. Like the guys never even used this weapon

It’s definitely more significant than 120 rof difference but okay xD

They are better than mp40 due dmg per bullet and way less dispersion so you can land those headshots much easier (they deal 400% dmg). But they shouldn’t be sent only to Normandy and Berlin it’s just retarded, because they are weakest of all AR in a game.

It was never a p2w weapon it was always as-44, stg45 is weaker than even mkb42(h) lol.

xDDDD it’s literally premium for Berlin, but somewhat not OP enough for today’s powercreep normies.

This weapon is very comfortable to use and never had any problem in Berlin. There’s no reason why it shouldn’t stay there. Literally nothing should change for this weapon.

Weakest AR of the game is pretty non telling statement, since it’s still pretty decent (btw this statement false, since the worst is mkb 35)
But all AR are planned to go N/B anyway.

People who bought stg45 for Berlin and now crying are nothing more than meta seeking weaklings who shouldn’t buy this weapon in the first place.

That’s false as well. I do remember when people were hating on 45 as well for being p2w.

I don’t.

If the StG-45 and MP-40 wielders started firing at each other at the same time, all else being equal, the StG will lose every single time until sufficient range where breakpoints kick in and the MP-40 goes to 3-shot whilst the StG stays at two-shot.

They also can’t get vitality, which shouldn’t be discounted from balance placement when the whole squad is a package deal.

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You can change the outfit on them ,so if you like it you can keep it.
But they should definitely add a correct version that does not look like a high vis construction jacket.

In a cold war campaign/setting i would love to have an alpenflage camo unit .
But if it is actually alpenflage in '45 Berlin thats bizarre and the ingame camo would still look way off

big true there