Steam Starter Pack Reboot Suggestion

Following the attempted Steam launch, I was really sad to see it flop in the way it did. It was in all our best interest for it to succeed.

Having said that, going forward, I would focus on attractive starter packs instead of the price tag on Steam. Warthunder has excellent starter packs

The advantage of these entry level starter packs, is they not only offer not only great value for beginners, but interesting collectables you just know all your veterans will buy in bulk.

(then there is the advantage that all these assetts are already made in warthunder, basically selling them twice in a lot of regards)

Cheaper, individual" versions of these (1 squad/vehicle not 2) might go along way to being attractive.

I would also seperate BR 1 into its own Match making queue and focus on first impressions. Get the most out of the starter packs and get new players hooked.

It is important that “starter packs” dont advance playes to higher BRS prematurely.


NOTE: I am working on Infantry Engineer squads in these starter packs because I dont like that premium infantry squads have their primary weapon locked. I would change the format of premium squads.

I would sell different “nationalities” squads with corresponding cosmetic options. But the player could still load them with whatever tech tree weapons and specialists they would like.This makes them valuable squads that can evolve BR with you on your journey. (doesnt need to have an XP bonus)

In the case of Engineers it would be a good opportunity to use Nation Specific buildable emplacements.

Also people looooooove their vehicle packs, so Ill start there. IMO you dont really want to go higher than $20 for a “starter pack”…so Ill just use that number.


BR 1 German Starter Pack $20 (AUS)
  • 7 days premium

Luftwaffe Engineer Squad (luftwaffe Uniforms)

and one of the following:

  • Sd.Kfz 140/1

  • Ju 87-G 2

BR 1 Italian Starter Pack $20 (AUS)
  • 7 days premium

Italian Engineers Squad (Guastatori)

and one of the following:

  • AS-42

Ba.65 K.14

BR 1 Hungarian Starter Pack $20 (AUS)
  • 7 days premium

Hungarian Engineer Squad

and one of the following:

Toldi IIA

He 112 B-1/u2

BR 1 Romanian Starter Pack $20 (AUS)
  • 7 days Premium

Romanian Engineer Squad

and one of the following:


IAR-81C (Rockets)

Br 1 Finnish Starter Pack $20 (AUS)
  • 7 days premium

Finnish Engineer Squad

and one of the following:


Fokker D.XXI


BR 1 USA Starter Pack $20 (AUS)
  • 7 days premium

USA Rear Echelon

and one of the following:



BR 1 Britain Starter Pack $20 (AUS)
  • 7 days premium

Royal Engineer Squad

and one of the following:

StagHound AA

Swordfish Mk 1

BR 1 France Starter Pack $20 (AUS)
  • 7 days premium

French Engineer Squad

and one of the following:

S 35
Br 693AB2

BR 1 Australian Starter pack $20 (AUS)
  • 7 days premium

Australian Sapper Squad

and one of the following:

Crusader II (2-pounder)



BR 1 Russia Starter Pack $20 (AUS)
  • 7 days Premium

Soviet Engineer Squad

and one of the following:


Tandem MAI


BR 1 Japan Starter Pack $20 (AUS)
  • 7 Days Premium

Japanese Engineer Squad

and one of the following:


Ki-45 tei

any suggestions? fire away.

Also suggestions for Romanian, Canadian, Australian or any other nation starter packs._


not convinced with the Britain Starter pack vehicle…just trying to find something “cool” that fits in BR 1 that is new…

Love the crusader AA, but i think its too strong for BR 1


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Very cool post!

I would suggest:


Tank - Matilda Dozer OR Matilda Frog (Flame Tank)
or bob-semple

Plane - CAC Wirraway


Tank: Vânătorul de Care R35

Plane: IAR-81C

Couldn’t really figure out what canadia would have that be low BR enough for a “starter pack”


Note: both of these vehicles are not Finnish in origin, this is because there isn’t much Finnish-made vehicles to draw from and I think they would be better suited to a tech tree.
Tank: Captured T26
saab 17
Plane: Saab 17


while i see ur idea i think that the packs that ur mentioning are a awfull idea cuz clustering the game with vehicles is a bad idea both for new players and already enxisting one the reason are : 1.this is enlisted prices would ve 20 buck per vehicles atleast 2.just filling the game with vehicles is not great more weak spot that people need to learn and all that stuff. new players vehicles only for starter premiun is nighmare fuel we already have problem of people missusing and hoarding or cycling through multiple of them. SO IMO i would just do that they did in past year a bundle of 30 buck u get 2 low br premiun squads( premiun squads that already enxist ingame) per faction + 30 days of premiun.

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I do think that at least one infantry squad should be included in these packs.


Sort of the beauty of BR 1 vehicles…you dont really need to know weak spots.

Only thing is that this mainly targets new players…the weapons are in the tech tree and these squads become really uninteresting the moment you get your first Tech tree squad of that type. well…IMO anyway

Sure. I just didnt find the offerings terribly interesting as they were armed with weapons in the tech tree, AND I feel like the premium squad format is now outdated and needs to evolve slightly.

As suggested I would go with selling squad nationalites… But that would take more work than just adding vehicle squads for this suggestion.

Maybe 1 Interesting vehicle and 1 slight boring infantry squad is ok.

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Ahahah even if those prices are FAIR (unlike what is usually proposed) that would ruin me, come on, the toys proposed are must have :sweat_smile:
Sd.Kfz 140/1?
Ju 87-G 2 with boom boom canons?
AS-42 pizza delivery vehicle with pizza heating compartment in the front?
StagHound AA?
France stuff because I want France tanks?

there’s too many I want!

But. As usual, good suggestion, that would BENEFIT BOTH PLAYERS AND DARK FLOW.
Unlike the ridiculous things proposed that are probably priced because the snail is breathing down their necks.


Exhibit A

Affordable must haves. Gonna sucker many :stuck_out_tongue:

me too…


Snail reasoning:
we should sell that thing 100$! Because 100$ is good money, lmaorolfbbq! at such price, maybe 200 persons will buy it!

it’s really worth just 20$, and at 20$ only 1000 persons would buy it, but we would earn a good reputation.

Pshaw! 100$ is better, because it’s bigger than 20$!
(Snail unable to do maths)


Perhaps I will add a “generic Engineer Squad” to all starter packs as an option. But the unique part will be the cosmetics/Division, not the weapons as I suggested in the OP

e.g Romanian squad, French squad, British Royal Engineers and some unique German, russian and American skins.

I will have to do some research into divisions now…Im thinking a Luftwaffe Airfield/engineer division for germany for example.






I added your Suggestions. I changed matilda though as I think thats a BR 2 tank.

Also…Finland…not sure which side to put them on LOL (i guess germany?)

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That would work perfectly, giving out engineer squads as part of a “starter pack” is a great idea. Giving new players lots of engineers would help them figure out how important they are and improve the quality of matches I think. In that same line of thinking they should replace the starting sniper squad with engineers.


I would put them in axis, even though they did eventually end up fighting Germany. Maybe they could get a Scandinavia tree eventually with denmark and norway idk. Whichever direction the devs go, Finland should definitely be added into the game at some point. I agree that the Matilda was too powerful for a starter tank, I just got excited with the idea of a flame matilda.

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Yeah I agree

I was also thinking for the engineer specifically, part of the uniqueness/appeal could be not only the Nation Specific Uniforms, but nation specfic emplacement Buildables. I can see them being extremely popular sellers.

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Unique buildables would be a big plus for sure.

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Finland could also get morane saulnier ms 406 nicknamed mörkö moraani

For the tank they could get bt 42

Engineer squad could be equipped with carcano rifles


Bt 42 is pretty cool actually. lot of fun in warthunder

As for the engineers the way I see it is their weapon slot is open. Can equip whatever, but caracanos could be default

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Finland vehicles would meant only one thing = adding more censored swastikas to the in which you can encounter players with Hitler nicknames on daily basis.

The carcanos would be default but you could change them just like the new assault engineers

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Finnish swastikas have nothing to do with nazis. Eric von Rosen from sweden gave the symbol.