Steam/gajin account

Is there any advantage using the steam version over the actual app? I think i’ll keep the gajin launcher, can’t tell what changes with the steam app

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Main difference is steam overlay + achievements

We’ll get more informations once the steam release drop.
So I guess all we can do is wait for now.

Achievements with special rewards in-game?

(Making Steam desirable)

With a Steam account you can add friends from game to your steam friend-list.


nah… you will only get achievements in steam. it would be stupid if steam had extra rewards and regular didnt.

you would give 30% of your money to valve instead of gaijin/DF

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Why? Don’t we want people to play on Steam more than the other platforms?

I don’t know any proper reason why should I care which platform other people use to play enlisted. It makes zero difference to me personally.


I assume that it’s the same normal achievements that we have now (f.e: capture 10 points), except that you’ll also get the steam achievements

  1. gaijin doesnt want more people on steam. they eat up on 30% of their profits. they want more people on their launcher.
  2. players on other platforms would be pissed if steam got extra rewards for achievements that are not available to other platforms.

Nothing at all expect getting steam achievements and not having to use the enlisted launcher


  1. Doesn’t want to pay 30% cut to expand playerbase

  2. They can’t gather more new player by their own and suffer stagnation

they want more people, but they dont want people to switch from their launcher to steam. if you introduce new rewards that are only available on steam, you will see mass exodus of players from their launcher.

Reward and incentive people are foreign concept for DF

Do we have to buy it in Steam to play it there?

yes. it costs 50$ there and you can wire me that money.

Seems unlikely…:face_with_monocle:

Man imagine you are playing enlisted and your friend keep texting you on steam it would probably be a way for griefer to grief people I imagine since it always appear on bottom right where the ammo count is

Unless you can change where it appears? Idk I don’t have friends on steam so yea I just guess