Standardize the tier V semi auto rifles

There are a couple of glaring imbalances with tier V semi automatic rifles right now. Understandably each nation can’t have exactly the same stats for their best “everyman’s weapon.” It wouldn’t be historically accurate, and it wouldn’t be interesting. However, they all need at least one full auto default weapon in that category.

It’s a well known fact that bots in this game perform much better with automatic weapons than they do with single fire. Having a full auto capable weapon is great for the player, but if it isn’t defaulted to auto fire, the bots can’t make use of it properly. This gives nations like Russia and America a marked advantage over the others. Not to mention the fact that Japan doesn’t even have a full auto capable rifle, let alone one with automatic set to default.

There are a lot of asymmetries between nations in this game, but infantry equipment does not need to be one at the highest levels.


“Waaah my FG 42 doesn’t start in full auto!”
Darkflow help! My bots are handicapped and can’t do all the heavy lifting for me! Even though all I’m ever going to do is sit in a Big Cat in the gray zone all match regardless of if my PARATROOPER gun is default auto or not!


Well that’s not constructive criticism. I’m sure you have a good point about this topic, but that’s not the way to express it and have people want to listen to you. Why do you strongly feel that there doesn’t need to be standardization of the implementation of some of the most useful weapons for any nation?


Agree with this sentence
Because every time you use these weapons, you need to adjust the entire team yourself
This will affect the timing of the opening attack

at the same time
There may be a bug when switching from semi-automatic to fully automatic fire.
Ammo is consumed but no bullets are fired
You have to fire a few shots or switch weapons to solve the problem
This problem is very serious
Such a moment in battle is very fatal

I don’t mind.

It’s just a qol thing, so why not.

If it makes people happy :thinking:

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It would make at least one person very happy!

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The concern about the FG 42 has already been forwarded according to the replies in this post:

As long as they stay in BR IV, they do not need one. However, traces of the “Type Hei Automatic” have been allegedly spotted in the files. This likely refers to the experimental Type Hei ULMG which could have 20 or 30 round magazines.

I’m a weird case who is using g43 (reasons, don’t judge). But I see no issues with the fgs starting the same as other sf rifles… Doesn’t seem game breaking or balance breaking in any way so… Knock yourselves out, people.

Eh? did you avatar just became the Pip Boy guy?

Man, I’m genuinely curious, why 43 over the 41? The bayonet adds so much to the weapon!

Agree, we should make StG44 the default rifleman weapon instead of FG42, the bonus is it also benefit the Historical Accurate club


Cuz G41 reload is retarted, while Lee Enfield can shove 2 clips into the gun without needing 6s of reload time

At this point use a fking LMG man

I just… Like it very much :sweat_smile:

Also magazine reloading is quite nice. It should be br 3 like svt38 and Garands, thought.

Br is strange. Japanese g41(type 4) is also br 4… weird.

I’ll give you that, stripper clips are nice, but magazines are waaay faster.

Also yeah, there are a couple of inconsistencies with BR that are strange.

The Gerat 06(pretty much G43 with 20rnd mag) should be unlockable BR4 rifle instead of the ZH29, which is just less fun to use G43 with bayonet(I dislike the recoil on ZH29)

it’s a 15 rnds mag if I recall…

I loved it. but… it never received the buffs other semis got. Still low damage and… WORST dispersion of all semis in game. You seriously cannot shoot ppl from afar with it, which removes the point of using a semi auto in the first place… :frowning:

Personally I primarily use the FG 42 and even the Federov in semi auto, automatic for specific situations. Everyone knows it’s countered by high recoil

Maybe they could add a Squad setting that we can toggle whether we want their weapons semi or full when applicable. Or maybe make AI dynamically switch fire modes depending on the situation

God, they really want to ruin their own game, don’t they.

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