STALINGRAD: the 5 stages of grief

As I have written. More maps are in my interest and I guess in at least a few other players globally to have some players.

They could then go and mix campaigns / progression somehow to bring more players.

If some or most want the same 5 maps all over forever, they can do that.

We don’t want the same maps, we just don’t want to have to

  1. Grind the same stuff all over again.
  2. Play against only bots, cause Enlisted already has a low playerbase and adding more campaigns with seprate matchmaking is not gonna help that.

I’d rather see new maps in existing campaigns than “new” copypaste.

That would be a balance nightmare.
There’s already too much of a difference in early vs late game gear, and this won’t help. Especially with tanks.

How many players does Enlisted have?

I’d like to see new maps in existing campaigns AND ALSO Stalingrad (I’m interested in history of that timeframe).

That would be O.K. for many, I guess. Nobody forces the players to play the new campaign.
Actually we could have polls about it if they are accurate.

To grind stuff really isn’t that much fun for me personally (didn’t finish a single campaign yet, but very close to in 3 of the 4). So maybe they will change techtrees for campaigns or you can pay
with bronze / silver orders if you reached the weapon in 2 other campaigns, etc. (just an example).
There can be a solution just for more content, not repetitiveness.

I can wait 2 minutes to meet 19 or more other players for a match if necessary.

PS: I like tanks here. And I also like to destroy them. I take my Panzerfaust / PanzerbĂźchse /
Detonation Pack / Anti-Tank Mine and can defeat everything with it. One of them would be
enough to destroy any enemy tank (you need to learn it for an afternoon maybe, throwing that
Detonation Pack).

Maybe we can find solutions.

When you check the forum today:


I’m totally cool with the grind to be honest. I was a latecomer anyways so it’ll be nice to not be instantly outclassed for once! :sweat_smile:

Apparently not enough to have over 50% real players every match.

Yet it affects everyone. As overall, all camapigns will lose players.

Yeah, we could have a poll. Just a simple one: Do you prefer Stalingrad, Pacific, maybe a different camapign or nothing? Quite a good idea.

Yeah, something needs to be added. As having to unlock the MP40 for a 5th time just isn’t really rewarding.

Yet what I was talking about was: Imagine you’re a new player having fun in your panzer 2 and all of a sudden, a Kv-1 appears in front of you. That would be the result of combining Moscow + Stalingrad.

And I believe we should look for them before we create more potential problems, instead of months after.

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This was after fiery november results

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so the game is not 70% bots then?

i’ve always said its just an overplayed meme. game is not dead or dying and i see you all less far less frequently than i would if the game truly did have as small a playerbase as people claim. Matches defo aren’t over half bots, those are just really really bad players. Only times ive seen these games are tunisia at like 4am or something

This game got a VERY strong potential!

People are tired of BF and go back to BF4 because they are tired of Dice bullshit who ruined BF5 and BF2042.

CoD hasn’t changed so much since black ops or modern warfare, the best of series.
It can now be summ up as “trendy fifa with guns”: same game every year (fifa), pushing micro transaction while you already paid the game (EA), trying to exploit the trend (battleroyal), with a league of legend like community.

HLL is the other serious competitor of Enlisted, but the two gameplay are so different. HLL feel empty and is the paradise planet for campers. Enlisted feel buggy (it’s in beta after all).

Enlisted can take all the player from COD and BF that were disapointing by the shitty ideas made by the management of dice. Ea is so incompetent they even success to destroy Battlefront serie.

Making goods games is not the purpose of this big mega corporation anymore. They just want to make money.

They screw so bad that It’s now a free 2 play game (an economic system which has the reputation to be cash grabing), that show them how they are supposed to do good games.
Ironic, isn’t it?

No king rules forever.
Enlist now to save the video game industry!

it’s a double edged sword, core fps mechanics of cod and bf are still better than enlisted’s and gjn greed is pretty flagrant, i’d say worse than even ea or activision. BUT enlisted is free, and premium/battlepass are reasonably priced (bp especially). The only thing outrageous is the premium squads but most of them aren’t OP and you totally dont need to buy those. However I think the unique mechanics that enlisted brings to the table far outweigh any of this and I’m genuinely interested to see where this goes

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Enslisted could suffer from the “Star citizen effect”. Remember when could see on the news: “one guy build a 10k$ ship in a video game in development since 10years?”
As a war thunder long time player I remember when things where cheaps. (A bundle fpr 10€) not a plane for 50€.

Enlisted could also suffer from the “cyber punk effect”. to avoid it they just need to correct the bugs (mainly AI). I’m not that worry about that.

I want this game to succed, that’s would be the best middle finger you could do to those other company that don’t respect the player.

I don’t want NFT, i don’t want lootbox, i dont want copy past frabchise. I just want to play good games.

For me Darkflow is an unexpected gift we recieved just like there was Obsidian Entertainment (fallout new vegas) back in the days.
I may be wrong but I think the dev are free to do whatever they want. They don’t seems to be an official dead line to. The compromise is the early monetisation. “Developp your game as you want, as long as you want, but start to cash already.”

I hope they will decrease the price. It could be very scarry for new player (you go in your campaign, see the first prem squad and realise it’s between 10 and 60€) and dissuasive for veteran (that know premium squad are useless).

Which may seem high, but seeing as that number is (currently) split into 4 seperate campaigns each with their own playerbase on top of being split across all timezones, it really isn’t that much.
The game’s not dead, it’s kinda just on the edge.
And also, if there really aren’t that many bots around, then those players are really, really bad. Which could only mean that players tend to quit at low levels.

It’s still a beta.

You may think it’s not relevant because the game is perfectly playable right now and got a lot of content but only a few people tries beta.

Look a WoW beta compared to WoW released.
I was there 16 years ago.

An official release with a nice war thunder like video and a good marketing campaign will change eveything. I’m not worried about that.

Yeah, that’s true.

And it’s also why the devs should focus on fixing and improving what’s already in the game, rather than copypasting more empty content.

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If there was no bugs (especially AI) it could be released already.
But for the moment it’s the same lvl of bug as BF2042 or cyberpunk.

I enjoyed cyberpunk, really. But it got bashed by everyone for the bugs.

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Not entirely true. Thanks to BF2042 BFV recieved a player boost.

If they had had the cajones to revisit and revise BF 2142 my ass would be over there right now playing the crap out of it (of course, there’s a lot of assumptions in that statement, this is EA/DICE, after all…).

That ship is still I guess.