STALINGRAD: the 5 stages of grief

Ahah, true that. Yesterday I was:
“Oh, my German squad in Tunisia could use some fully stared k98. Luckily I have a ton from Moscow since I’ve replaced them by k98 with boom device!.. WTF! My ass they’re not the same because they have a bayonet SLOT!”


Grinding Soviets for the third time in a potential Stalingrad campaign? Fine which is why I still keep some fully upgraded guns in stock especially PPSh, Mosin, SVT, DP-27.

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So i am unable to like the battle of Stalingrad campaign, its setting maps?

I am a gaijin shill because of that? lmao

I want to say: “Arigato keofoxu kun!” But I’m not sure i will have the occasion to do so.


Nope, I have waiting for Stalingrad for a long time.
Then this game will be directly compared to RO2 to see who’s better.

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Not the same maps though pls DF…Make something original like the Stalingrad movie perhaps with sewers and such

no, and yes

There will be an explosion of player then the souflé will go down.
I think very quick.

I’m more worry about the impact on Berlin and Moscow.
ZomboMeme 22022022140817


Yeah… no I´m going to stay loyal to Moscow. It is very likely that I´m not going to play Stalingrad for the very same reasons I hate Berlin.

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Sir, I salute you.

“de l’audace, toujours de l’audace, encore de l’audace !” - Uploaf (probably)

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Stalingrad would be joke shithole with bots filled in 70% matches

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Just like our current matches are :slight_smile:

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It depends what they are going to test there.
APCs Im in.

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Maybe bigger maps where you can actually use some tactics, that would explain the airstrike feature since the existing maps are way too small for that.


Bomb spam with airstrikes.

Guess thats too game-fixing.

Meh. Guess this is gonna be introduced for all campaigns… at least according to the way how they describe it and that you cant sell them as preorder squad.

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I just want as many maps as possible, so I’m all for it.

Can’t stand playing the same ones 3 times in a row, going to the same corner,
peeking to the same window, building sandbags on the same spot over and over.
I like variety.

They should rework the progression / level system so that not the same MP40 needs to be unlocked
another time.


scratches head
I have been playing with the same weapons since Call of Duty, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, Battlefield 1942 and Day of Defeat (not the source version).

I don’t see the problem.


The issue is that those new maps will be filled with 90% bots after a few days when everyone stops caring, as there will be like 3 new guns in the campaign.
The only players that will stick are the few that have grinded everything else that interests them, or ones that haven’t started Moscow/Berlin.