Stability Since The Steam Update

Has anyone else noticed a marked improvement to the game’s stability since the Steam release?

Pre-Steam (ie. using the launcher), I was getting sporadic system crashes and CTDs, to the point of total system freezes requiring a hard reboot.

It would happen at completely random moments too. Sometimes I could play all evening without an issue, other times I’d suffer a complete lockup after one or two games, sometimes before I could even finish one match. I even had the game lock up my rig on the main squad screen!

It was so sporadic it was practically impossible to diagnose. I tried everything from alternative RAM, GFX card, SSD, disabling any OC, and even a complete OS wipe, all to no avail. It was so weirdly random.

Since reinstalling the game via Steam, I’ve had absolutely zero issues with stability, no CTDs, hangs, or system freezes. I can play for hours with no problems. I’ve not had a single problem since the Steam release. It’s actually made me think the launcher may have been at fault.

Anybody else noticed a much improved and stable experience, or is it just me?

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Thats what fixed it most likely, I never had such issues.

But my plane textures were bugged and reinstalling also fixed that.

I tried that pre-Steam, installing onto an alternative SSD, but it made no difference.

What were you using? Dx12 or Dx11? I had no problem with Dx11, but Dx12 caused crashes and inconsistent lagging.

But recently I tried to see if dx12 optimization was improved. And I definitely have to say that it has been improved. I haven’t had any problem at all with dx12 lately. And I’ve been using it ever since.

I tried both. I had better success with DX11, namely less FPS spikes and the like, but still suffered the same amount of system lockups.

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Nope it’s the same as usual for me.

are you on 13th or 14th gen intel? cause you could be one of the unlucky ones with faulty cpu.

Neither, I have a 12600k.

I did wonder when all that kicked off, but I’ve done a number of CPU tests since and all is good with it.

well at least you dodged the bullet there. although i wouldnt be surprised that 12th gen also has problem cause it is so power hungry.

did you try to flash MBO with newest BIOS? lots of stability issues can be usually attributed to old firmware.

Yeah, did all that. I even lowered the power usage levels on the mobo too, as it was defaulted to something mad like 500w+ or something, I can’t remember the exact numbers. I set them in line with Intel’s power output of 125-150w.

For a time I thought it was my RAM, as it isn’t on the official QVL list, and XMP causes all manner of issues with it. I manually set my speed/timings these days, as it just works when I do. :slight_smile:

As per my OP though, all seems great again with the game since Steam (rapidly knocking on wood when I write that…).

well i had some random problem year or two ago but it was quickly fixed with updating gpu drivers. otherwise it is pretty stable.

considering everything you did i would be stumped on the nature of the issue, but windows and drivers can have really odd quirks. recently when i was repurposing my sisters old laptop it had micro stutters every few seconds and i couldnt diagnose it for few hours. fresh installation of windows with updates, stutters. linux (mint), no problem. fresh windows with no internet, no problem. windows after half an hour on internet, stutters. tracked it down to newest amd gpu drivers that windows automatically pulls for update(funny thing is that newest driver on mint has no problem). if you put old driver it works perfectly… so moral of the story… software sucks.

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Only real thing I’ve noticed is not dealing with the launcher taking all of my internet bandwidth when it starts to download an update, regardless of bandwidth limit setting. It was infuriating and I’m so glad the steam client doesn’t use the launcher.

The game didn’t crash much at all for me … Only major issue I’ve had the past issue was when an update seemed to corrupt the Windows GameInput Service and it started crashing my PC when I would play Enlisted … After Repairing that Service that stopped happening.

My frames have been consistently higher and more stable since going to Steam. Also, my game used to randomly “alt-tab” to desktop with the original launcher. This has not happened with the Steam version.

I have experienced a weird double launch that will crash my frames to 60-70, but it’s an easy fix to just alt-tab and close the second instance of the game. Happened twice in a week or so.

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LOL. 4th gen here :potato:

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Going old skool! I like it!

My kids run a 4th gen i5 too, but they just play Roblox and Minecraft on it.

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Haha yep. It’s an end of run 4790k, but still. Starting to show its age at over ten years old now. I have a newish GPU, so that helps.

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Definitely showing its age!

If you’re short on funds, upgrade to 8th or 9th gen. Cheap as chips these days (pun intended).

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if he is short on fund i would better recommend anything from am4 platform cause he could upgrade to 5800x3d (which is competitive with newest gen cpu-s in games). you could probably get whole am4 system for ~200-300$, just need to get minimum b series mbo (preferably b450 or b550).

Either way, he’d still need to upgrade his RAM to DDR4.

Rarely i had this issue most of the time just My fps dies but if if we are talking about improvements, i see an improvement for enemies and allies lately Most of My team we’re completly competent building rallies, marking enemies, using tanks in “special spots” and coordinating their attacks and defenses with artillery/plane/tank support which is very great, also i found very good enemies with an insane Aim, and inimaginable tactics being a Challenge for me and My team so in terms of perfomance i don’t feel any difference but in gameplay… Is totally different…