Can we get a tutorial for squad class? To know what can be done. Example : i was thinking that double click square (PlayStation) was only to tell your squad “go there” but there’s more loll like attack tank, use anti-aircraft gun, etc. I mean that’s some basic stuff i didn’t know about until recently. Could be part of a Rifleman class tutorial. Learning about engineer will help I’m sure many don’t know bots engineer in squad can help building. Radio squad tutorial how to call artillery, smoke artillery, air raid. And any other squad move that can be done
There are instructions on how to use mortar and radio arty in the Squads management menu:
However, I don’t think they’re eye-catching enough. It might have took me weeks after unlocking the squads until I noticed the icon and found that there were such guides in-game.
I suggests that all instructions and tutorials are to be displayed in the prominent gamemode option.
I agree that more info should be given in the tutorials, especially AI commands.