Squad Spawn Box?

I don’t know the name of the area that contains all of the active squads we have in a game that is located on the left side of the screen. Would appreciate it if someone could tell me the name of this area.

Anyway, on the “Tractor Plant West” map (playing as German), we were defending and got pushed back to the last area to defend. We could not use the games default spawn points because they were covered by the “squad spawn box.” How does this even happen?

In addition, 25% of the screen is covered by the Squad Spawn Box whenever you use paratroopers. Thus, you can’t always choose where you want your paratroopers to land. This really should be fixed.

The simple solution is to create a toggle for the Squad Spawn Box so it can be minimized when we need to see the entire map. Things like this really need to take priority when fixing faulty game mechanics before adding new features to the game.