Squad levelling up requirements 🇯🇵

I recently started playing Japan and it’s a lot of fun.
I have worked my way up to a good BR 2 line up and I’m busy levelling everything up.
My question is about the Fighter Pilot II squad.
I have used it with my A6M2 Reisen in a handful of battles and took out at least 20 planes/vehicles.
I was not happy with my slow progression in levelling up the squad.
I only have gained 1 little point since I started using the squad!
That was including this battle, 12 vehicle kills with my Zero (and 2 with AA/AT):
(incl. 8 air raid bombers, sorry, I need the xp)

So this battle alone was maybe worth half an upgrade point at most.
At this rate, I need to eliminate hundreds of planes and tanks to get my squad maxed out?

I noticed a difference between my Japanese Fighter Pilot II progression requirement (19290) and my USSR (8820).
Why the big difference?
I dont want to start any discussion about nations being favored or anything, I have Zero interest in that (Zero, lol), I’m really curious about the difference.


Wish their level didn’t require a lot tbh I’m pretty sure AT gunner 2 required like 20k or something for 1 lvl ridiculous

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I think it depends on how many vehicle upgrades there are.

Wait until you get assaulter IVs for Japan, its fully leveled up in a couple of matches.

Yeah - your soviet squad has 50 upgrades to be complete, your Japanese one only 28 - the total to fully upgrade both of them will be the same, so each upgrade for the USSR is cheaper since there are more of them.

Do the blue XP upgrades first.

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Thanks for pointing that out, I didnt even notice.
But still I am confused.
So the Japanese squad only reaches level 20 at a higher cost per level
The USSR squad has 50 levels because it has 7 planes to level up (!) and the Japanese only 1.
Doesnt that make the Japanese squad much harder to level up?
Since the USSR can quickly level up the squad and the pilot, making it easier to level up the planes later.

( I never paid much attention to all the upgrade rules, sorry if I’m dumb asking this)

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Yes, but in contrast it takes a couple of matches to get 1 level in the Assaulter III squad…

I wish they would do a rebalance of such things. The need to get 15kp in radio operator squad II (a squad with only three dudes that will likely be wiped at the first explosion) for instance is really something that bother me a lot.

At least next update (soon™ apparently) will improve the situation with a 20% squad xp upgrade when using gold order soldier.

Yeah I think that’s how it works, and perhaps you’ve hit on a problem with the system - I think it is probably using the War Thunder modifications as a prototype, where the cost of each level of mods is the same, so if you have more mods at a given level they each cost less than if you have fewer mods - ie the total cost of mods in a level is divided by the number of mods in that level.

But here I would say the cost of each mod should be the same, because there is no specific advantage to completing the groups of mods - unlike in WT where you get a bonus to your next vehicle for completing a level.

I think changing it would be a good suggestion, using your (pretty obvious when you think about it) analysis as to why it is unfair!

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I’m on the same opinion here.
If you unlock new levels quicker you get the XP bonuses quicker too which massively speeds up progress.

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