if a player is on cap point make his AI hold the point too if there’s no other order given,
too many times while being on point I got shot down only to switch to AI who was out of cap boundaries, thus literally wasting his capping potential.
if a player is on cap point make his AI hold the point too if there’s no other order given,
too many times while being on point I got shot down only to switch to AI who was out of cap boundaries, thus literally wasting his capping potential.
No…when you tell them to do that they stand in the middle of the point and refuse to take cover. Why wpuld I want my bots to become artillery fodder when im trying to PTFO.
They need to fix the AI before they even touch the command system
right, they sit kinda too close to each other, one artillery is enough to clear whole point, i wish they spread out more, it looks pretty immersive though, just look how they’re hugging the wall.
Idk about immersive…irl they would be in cover shooting