Spotter Planes

So I was thinking about this and thought I would run it by you folks to see what you think…

There are some 3 seater planes that can actually only carry two pilots in game eg

How about adding the third spot and giving the ability for the occupant to automatically spot tanks or other emplacements if the pilot maintains a circular pattern or something at a certain altitude over the battlefield for a set period of time when the seat is manned, the spotter then has a percentage chance to spot a vehicle or emplacement every 30s or so. The Seagull could be added to this list too since they were all actually used as scout/recon planes also.

It can be hard to actually see tanks on the ground when your busy trying to fly as pilot and thats one of the things the guys in the back seats were used for in reality. Especially since your team mates don’t mark targets most of the time


I’ve suggested Recon Planes as a Radio Operator Call-In before

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The biggest issue that I have with this is that it would likely need to be an “Attack Aircraft” from what you are saying that gets this ability.
Attack aircraft should be constantly making passes, not spend their time flying around waiting for an indicator to pop up.
As far as tanks and weapon emplacements go, they are actually quite visible from the air due to muzzle flash from cannons and tracers. You shouldn’t need an onboard spotter marking them to see them.

For more accurate targeting information beyond that, get teammates that mark targets. Make some friends and go into battle with them. This game was not intended for everyone to be playing solo, no matter how much players try to say it. Many elements of the game are designed to do better when teamwork is applied. This is one of those such times.

So NO, I don’t think a spotter should be added to these planes.

Even that would be pushing it as far as I’m concerned. Anything that directly removes players working together and gives that power to a single person I simply can’t get behind unless its extremely well balanced.

As I’ve said on Recon plane Suggestions before, they should fly fairly low, hold a circular pattern for a short time, and ONLY spot what they can make a direct line of sight to. The marks should not linger like they do when players mark things.

Just spam the marking key everywhere until you ping a tank from the air.

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Someone suggested adding recon planes with the ability to call an artillery strike.

The third person should be a bombardier (which is what they were). The player could then switch from being the pilot to being the bombardier, so they can more accurately make their shots, especially with the bombers.


On AP-1 you can carry Extra 2 persons.

One will be placed on top back turret the other it will be placed on turret under the tail.


Yes, but I would like my bombardier.

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It’s technically possible, and I’ve been planning to make such a feature for fw189. But need code support from developers.


Well constantly making passes and hitting nothing doesn’t really make any sense either and tanks aren’t that easy to see if you don’t catch 'em while firing. No one is saying they should spend their entire time in the air trying to spot targets and I don’t think anyone would do that anyways, its just a way as you say make better passes with their bombing runs because whether you like it or not, most people play solo regardless of how much we want teamwork lots of people just prefer to do their own thing and cba to spot things for flybois to bomb :man_shrugging:

This is a good idea also, maybe you should make a suggestion thread about this…

Well I was making this post precisely so we wouldn’t have to do that…

One pass around the edge at reduced speed, looking out the side of the plane will usually yield the info that you need. If you are “constantly making passes and hitting nothing” then perhaps your best option is to get out of the plane, and spend the game on the ground so you have a better idea for next time where to hit.

The other thing is perhaps that player needs to spend more time at the practice range if they are incapable of hitting targets, like figuring out how to properly dive bomb and glide bomb.

I’ve definitely seen plenty of pilots that just repeatedly overshoot their targets despite them being constantly marked out for them. Following this statement, I think that adding a recon capability will make instances of this even worse.
Because most of the time if they are repeatedly missing their targets, people will stop marking the tanks for them to hit long enough for them to get bored and get out of the plane. If they had that recon ability, they would spend much longer in the plane, rather than passing the slot over to someone that knows what they are doing.

In this regard, I think the practice range is in need of an update, and players should be reminded to visit it if they do in fact repeatedly “make passes and hit nothing”.

Anyone will benefit from having the target marked, learning to glide and dive bomb is not that hard, knowing where to bomb and where the targets are is the problem.

Pilots who hog the slot will do it regardless of whether someone is marking targets for them or not and pilots who get bored and kamikaze will also do it regardless so that shouldn’t really be a factor in this situation

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Automatically spotting and marking is a little much.
As a way to use bombsight to spot and mark and level bomb the area? Sure.

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Again I note, that is not the job of attacker planes. The more time they are spending being everyone’s “radar”, the less time they are doing their intended role.

Wrong. You’ll have players going up in the air that are incapable of actually doing attack runs, but are able to keep it in a holding pattern to spot targets.

If you want a recon plane so badly, I suggest making it a 3rd aircraft type. Specifically for that purpose and maybe something else as well. (Dropping grenades or something maybe? Idk.)
Just so long as it doesn’t interfere with attack planes.

Well actually I was suggesting this to assist in that intended role because again, not everyone will be a bro and mark stuff for you and a lot of those “Attacker Planes” also served as recon planes IRL .

That might happen but I think it will rarely happen because that would be boring

It’s not that I want recon planes badly, it’s about improving efficiency and effectiveness for those times when you’re having a hard time finding targets and no one is really cooperating. Every battle plays out differently, sometimes you may get 11+ kills making a pass and another time you get maybe one or two because the enemy changed tactics. Wasting time making passes without trying to locate the enemy only to get one or two (or none) kills seems like a waste of time to me. A good pilot Would spend some time scanning for targets before he makes his run anyways so adding this suggestion couldn’t hurt since thats what the crew members would be doing IRL anyways :man_shrugging:

I don’t think many people would play a specific recon only plane