I would like to request the spline.blk files that are used in Enlisted locations to be released to the modding community so we can use those in future custom maps.
I can only try to recreate spline.blk, but after hours of trial and error, they hardly show up as in game.
To save time and hours of frustration, please consider releasing if not all, some of the spline.blks per category (road, dirt, concrete etc) to be used in DaEditor. Textures and material are not needed; I can setup and export the splines with dummy textures, having the same texture name as in Enlisted, the game will simply load the spline with correct textures and material.
We really only need the spline.blk and it’s “sub” BLK files. (center, side, etc)
Are you sure splines (for roads and etc.) aren’t hard baked as mere clipmap decals when exporting level from external level editor? I’m not sure it will be easy to add them in-game. It may require a lot of changes, and not just simple “add it from there to there”. But it’s for sure possible.