Speed testing

I am testing some parameters to increase drasticly the speed of vehicles to like 10 times their original speed so I will need a cobaye to test the difference with and without modification

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Probably most easiest way - edit physModificationsBlk. But it has some restrictions/limits? You probably with it will unable to do x10 speed or more. Property should be looks like this: mulHorsePowers:r=1.25;engine_power:r=1.25;braking_force:r=1.25;mulMaxBrakeForce:r=1.25; (it should increase 25% each these stats).
In editor properties panel you can use CTRL+C (for copy) and CTRL+V (for paste) keyboard combo. But need to select property first.

Other possible settings for this property.
  • braking_force
  • engine_power
  • suspension_dampening
  • suspension_resting
  • suspension_min_limit
  • suspension_max_limit
  • turret_hor_speed
  • turret_ver_speed
  • mulMaxDeltaAngle
  • mulMaxDeltaAngleVertical
  • mulFrontalStaticFriction
  • mulFrontalSlidingFriction
  • mulSideRotMinSpd
  • mulSideRotMaxSpd
  • mulSideRotMinFric
  • mulSideRotMaxFric
  • mulSuspensionDampeningMoment
  • mulSuspensionMinLimit
  • mulSuspensionMaxLimit
  • mulHorsePowers
  • mulMaxBrakeForce
  • mulTransmissionEfficiency
  • mulSpeedYaw
  • mulCdminFusel
  • mulCdminTail
  • mulCdmin
  • mulOswEffNumber
  • damageReceivedMult
  • mulMass
  • cutProbabilityMult
  • radiatorEffMul
  • mulCompressorMaxP

Sorry, but I don’t know much what these stats do.

Another one easy way that’s a bit outdated, but still should able a bit increase speed… Is editing vehicle_mods__ properties.
If you don’t see them in vehicle then you will need to add +tank_mods postfix template (or create vehicle with this postfix). But again… It’s more limited and can give not very big boost.

Most hardest way is… Edit vehicle_net_phys__blk property, but it 100% works. You can use info from other vehicles, but here probably will be much better to do custom files. It’s like entities.blk, but with another structure.

by cobaye do you mean someone to help test?
Because it translates to hamster when i put into google translate

Yes it to help testing

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By increasing these limits, we can increase the max speed on all terrain so if the mulHorsePowers can work along that I think we could achieve speed over 150 km/H

i think horse power determines how steep a slope a vehicle can climb

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Do you know the template for showing the speed and the gear on normal vehicle?

The only thing that annoy me is the respawn I set for the test make me spawn under the platform even if it 2 meters above the platform and the other spawn who is lower than the first work perfectly

Here the result of the experimentation I do. Test speed.xlsx First thing : the fonction of horsepower is indeed working to improving the acceleration of vehicle. Second thing, the dirtfx_MaxSpeed is do not influence the max speed we can get. But I might have a answer for why the dirtfx max speed did not affect. I was doing my experiment on a rendist and not on ground so there a possibility that the parameter mention previously can only affect the vehicule on normal ground.

Icons? No. Visual only on some vehicles. In model.

You will need rebuild navMesh probably. Because respawn points spawns soldiers only in navMesh area.

Thank. It a shame that with my experimentation the max speed wasn’t increased

But i think I found a parameter that could make the change I make work for the max speed limit with the vehicle_net_phys_drivingSeepThreshold

Here the scene if someone want to do the experimentation with tanks
Accélération.zip (207.2 KB)