Spec ops squads - grey zone movement

Hey guys, was just watching Enlightened Enlisted’ s SAS review video above. A great take away IMO was a suggested buff for the German and SAS squad to be given a grey zone movement buff. Perhaps a longer period before automatically getting killed for being in the zone or at least taking the grey filter off for clearer sight? tanks and Snipers grey zone camping are still an extremely common occurrence and this would be an interesting way to counter the problem, plus historically accurate, behind enemy lines raids and what not :slight_smile: What do ya’ll think?


This would be actually quite a nice perk for such squad.


The real spec op are the german one

invisibile and lethal


I can so get behind an idea like this.
I’ve still been plagued by them in a lot of games.

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Also, I’d like to add that if this sort of mechanic is implemented for the squads, the Soviets should be given a Partisan squad that can perform a similar function :wink:

I support this message…because of reasons.

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