"Spam" of singular gameplay styles ruins the enjoyment of the game, explanation and solutions inside

Then i’m telling you no medium tank can escape 250kg if you do it right.

That’s due to insufficient pilot skills, silent bombing does exist.

Same, bad pilot.

I don’t know how many more times I have to explain it to you.
If there’s one gameplay that most players think is a brain-dead abuse of mechanics, then it is.
The despise gaianst your gameplay has nothing to do with selfishness and incompetence, player groups preference is already a sufficient justification.

Quite irrelevant if subject is suicide spamming cap point.

Usually the flashing cap point or the audio message of enemy capping is something very hard to mistake.

No, suddenly i remembered why most just ignores or even flags your shitposts.

Il raise my hand for sign of my mistake here.

If people want to play as tanks or planes there’s a whole game dedicated to those called War Thunder.

As far as Im concerned they should get rid of heavy and likely medium tanks and focus far more on standard vehicles. There’s some great threads on suggestions of those.

Planes to me are rather pointless. We’ve discussed the problems with AA (sitting there for ages getting zero XP or anything by the time a plane comes you either get killed by said plane or youve gone to actually fight and have to run all the way back and cant find the AA gun. If you do kill the plane you get very little reward for all that.

not exactly. shooting a plane is worth the most points by far (Plane 350, tank 150), add to that instant 12 ticket loss.

if only unlimited defender tickets didnt put a spanner in the works…

even as the defender draining attacker tickets, the problem is that they just spawn another
do you sit in the AA gun for the rest of the game, not helping your team defend, and waiting minutes at a time to kill the plane?
or do you give up and hope the devs change something cause clearly this gameplay style is overpowered

I have been asking for airfields for a good while. (like pushing airspawns back, its just a delay mechanism but with extra benefits)

other than that…I feed off killing planes. best way to finish events in a few games.

I like that they are part of the game. Just adds to it.


Instead, you can go and play any of the many boring shooters without vehicles.


I used to get really frustrated at the amount of AP mines laid, but once I accepted it, and started using them I have no problem with them. To be honest, I go into places expecting AP mines to be present, so I changed the way I play and I don’t get killed even a quarter of what I used to. So, either I get lucky and not many people in games I play are laying them, or my method of avoidance works.

I could say the same about artillery usage as it is going non stop from both sides and kills a lot more of my troops then AP mines. Hell, the artillery usage is so bad that if I do try to call it in, it is always busy and before I can get it called in, my radioman is almost always dead. In fact, he is the first to die on every mission. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Tell me that is just bad luck and not in the game parameters. :roll_eyes: I also die far more to camping grey zone tanks then I do to AP mines.

yeah i noticed that all specialty soldiers in my squads are first to die. need AT soldier? dead. need engineer? dead. need radioman? dead.


Thats why I really love my 3 full upgraded FG42 II AT squads.

3 AT Soldiers
2 Pioneers

  • little chance to lose my utility soldiers unless most my squad is dead.
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Yeah, and you NEVER know how they died, you just look and their dead. :roll_eyes: I could be 20 km from the battlefield and the radioman always dies, and half the other specialty soldiers mysteriously die on the way to the battlefield kilometers from the fight. :rofl:

My my level 5 US squads, I am starting to take all my low level rifle squads and fill them out with radiomen, engineers and tank killing squads since I can arm them with the T20. I hated bolt action rifles, so now I can take the squads I hated and make them useful. I am also re-doing my level 5 German squads and basically doing the same. I did take one of the planes which has 5 crewman and turned it into a paratrooper plane. I saw someone else did this, so I just made it recently. However, I am no where near up to specs with my level 5 Germans, so I am not playing them, just 1-3 and 2-4 squads for now.

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This game has thousands of long-term players
But only a handful of individuals are crying or discriminating against this content
And their content comes entirely from their incompetence or bias

So you can’t prove how you were massacred?
So can I reasonably suspect that you were massacred because of your own problems?

How do radio broadcasts and the total number of enemies tell you where the enemies are?
Have you actually played this game?

When their views of discrimination and incompetence simply don’t hold up, they have a nervous breakdown or ignore the truth.
Then a few days later, he continued to cry and complain about the same things.

cause only minority of people are on forum. probably >90% of those people on forum actually hate suicide plane cycling

  1. it is p2w mechanic
  2. it is abusing mechanic of game making it more effective than playing planes regularly.
  3. it is impossible to prevent abuser to deliver the payload to the target without air spawn camping which is another abuse strategy which also requires high skilled plane player with map knowledge.
  4. it requires no skill

Not crashing a plane = Incompetence and Noob
Crashing a plane = Competence and Skill

Enlisted truely is the best game of mankind.


Kinda amazing how much shit you say just because you do not want to use a plane like a plane.


this should be end of suicide spam cycling… unless they find a way to abuse it further…

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Then you have to prove it
Instead of telling me that some unverifiable group hates him

You don’t even have an argument for how he doesn’t need skills.
Just like you don’t need a point of view to discriminate against anything

Did I say that?

I only said suicide was a reasonable tactic
What else can you do besides slandering and discriminating or making assumptions about other people’s sexual orientation?