Soviet need paratroopers?

Voices means nothing, they must be in game since not everyone using faction specific dubbing. For example, If you are Russian, everyone in your game can speak russian and so on. That’s why there’s french dubbing as well.

I really don’t know why CC is not aware of this little fact, lmao. But it was probably intentional to create fake drama about french paras, YouTubers would do everything for more views.

Yeah they got rid of the Paramarines and Marine Raiders literally because the rest of the Marines didn’t feel special anymore :joy:

i mean raiders i could see that being the reason but paramarines were literally designed as a limited time event

If casualties are less than 95% before combat starts its acceptable in sovjet doctrine


you can always make their playthrough a little harder if you hate them so much

they been like: maybe our comrades would not fall dead if we could find a way how to slow em down while falling, how about a giant baggy lookin airbrake ?

Yeah, because popping from rally points is atmospheric af.

Its ridiculous like its problem only for the class you dont like, classic hypocrisy.

Engineer is ridiculous

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Partizans are ridiculous.
They operated generaly behind enemy lines
When soviet army captured some place from german swhere also partisans located, they rapidly incorporated them into red army.
After mid 1944, all europe eastern europe except poland was liberated and all partisans incorporated into red army as regular soldiers.
Seeing partisans in city battles or late war maps like berlin, königsberg etc… would be bs

The most russian thüng i have ever seen